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Harley's POV

I was sitting on the bedside chair while my hand was gently rubbing the hair of the woman who was peacefully sleeping.

Her face was barely pale likewise with her lips. Her eyes looked so tired from crying a lot. Her body was weakly laying on the hospital bed.

She lost herself after her vigilante partner died. She kept on screaming and bursting her pain until she was black out. 

I didn't left her. I didn't gave her a hard time because I knew that she really needed me during this time. I might not be the type of person who could risk her life for her just like Levi did but I could be the one who could take care of her during her downfall.

She was sleeping for almost ten hours. The association was only waiting for her for the cremation of Levi's body. Their boss was the one who was doing an action for the cremation. 

I was here at her side since she lost her consciousness. The doctor also went here in the room five hours ago. They did some medical test for her because she might have an over fatigue due to what happened.

"It might be hard for you to accept the lost of your partner. I hope that I can help you to cope up with it, My Ali," I whispered in the air as I was holding her hand tightly.

I knew that I had a tiny amount of chances from her but I kept my promise to her. I would be here at her side no matter what.

After a few minutes, the door opened. The doctor came back in the room and he was bringing a white folder with him.

"How is she?" I asked, giving him a worry look. He walked towards the bed and looked at Ali first then his eyes went on me.

"She's alright. She's coping with her fatigue. She just need to take medications so her memories will completely come back," the doctor explained.

I arched my eyebrows. "Her memories? She had amnesia?" Giving him a curiousity look.

"Yes. She lost her childhood memories about her family for almost ten years because of the traumatic event when she was thirteen," he answered.

I roamed my eyes on her. I never thought how awful her life before. She didn't deserve to be like this. 

"What kind of amnesia she's suffering?" I asked again while my eyes was stuck on her face. 

I heard the doctor slightly sat down on the bed. "According to the result of her medical tests, she had the retrograde amnesia where most of her memories from her childhood were lost. Her parents didn't gave her proper medications for years. Due to the traumatic event happened yesterday, it triggered her mind that made her memories overflow without knowing it."

"Is everything fine when she wakes up?"

"She might remembered all her memories from her childhood but…" he stopped and scanned the papers in the folder once again.

"But?!" I questioned. My heart was rapidly pounding in fear as I held her hand tightly.

"But some of her memories in the present might lost again because the death of her friend affect her mind too much."

"Damn," I cursed in whisper. I brushed my hair with my other hand and slid it until I reached the back of my neck.

It's not being selfish but I wished that her memories with Levi would be lost in her mind. It was easy for her to forget him. It was not heavy for her to ease the pain if she forgot him.

"Call me if she wakes up," the doctor said.

I nodded. "Thank you, Doc."

He walked towards the door but before he went out the boss showed up. They saluted wirh each other and Boss Rom went inside the room.

"Is she alright?" He asked and sat down on the other side of the bed.

I nodded and focused my eyes on Ali. I've met Boss Rom after Ali thrown me away from their house. He talked to me about the danger of her life and her family. So, I remained being connected with the association but not as a member.

Boss Rom suddenly broke the silence between us. "Harley, thank you for taking care of her. It's an honor with me that you stay on her side."

"She deserves to be take care of, Boss Rom. With all the things happened with her, she deserves someone who would stay by her side," I stated with all my heart and smiled a bit to him.

We spent an hour in the room and waited Ali to wake up. Boss Rom went out for a while to buy some foods for us and I only stayed in the room with Ali.

I leaned my head on the bed and rested myself for a moment. Meanwhile, I felt the movement of her hand.

"L-Levi!" She screamed. I quickly rose my head for her. My eyes widened when I saw that she was moving her head side by side and the pain on her face was evident.

"Ali!" I moved her body and tapped my hand on her face. I heard her deep and heavy breathing that made me cursed in silence.

"L-Leviii!" The tears in her eyes eventually streamed down. The heck! It was also painful for me to see her like this.

"My Ali! Wake up! Please!" I called while she kept on moving her head. My hands were also trembling as I held her body.

I heard the click of the door. It showed Boss Rom again. "Call the doctor!" I quickly instructed. 

His eyes widened as he saw the situation of Ali. He quickly went out again while nodding in my instruction.

"LEVI!!!" Another scream was made from Ali until her body rose up and her eyes opened. She was running out of breath as the tears streamed down on her face.

I quickly wrapped my arms on her body and gently rubbed my hand on her hair. "Shhh. I'm here. Don't cry. You're strong, right?" The crack on my voice occuried. 

She kept on bursting out her cries. "Le...Levi." 

I closed my eyes between the hugs and I continued to comfort her.

"He will be mad at you if you act like that," I warned to lessen the heavy feeling that she was burying.

She let go from the hug and wiped the tears on her face. She stared at me directly in the eyes for a moment. She scanned every part of my face with the arched eyebrows on her face. She also looked at me from top to bottom of my body.

She turned her eyes back on me. "Who are you?" She innocently asked.

It felt like I was poured with a cold water throughtout my body. I couldn't move even my eyes couldn't blink. My lips was also slightly opened from what she asked.

"Where is Levi? Who are you? What are you doing here?" 

The doorknob clicked again and it showed Boss Rom and the doctor. They both went towards us.

"He's dead, Ali," I answered but the two men glare at me. 

"No! He's not dead! Levi is not dead!" She screamed out loud in pain. The nurses also came inside and they assisted the doctor to calm her. She was pushing away those people  who tried to touch her.

I clenched my fist and stood up. It's really painful to see her in that kind of situation. I walked out of the room. As I shut the door, I punched the wall with power and anger. 

I kept on punching the wall until the tears in my eyes fell down. I stayed my hand on the wall and looked down. It was hard for her to ease the pain right now. It was really painful for her to accept everything.

But nothing was more than painful when I was the person who was on her side all the time but she only remembered the person who left her.


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