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Allison's POV

I was sitting on the hospital bed while my hands were closed together. My feet were covered with white blanket. I could the bareness of my face as my hair was tied in a real messy bun.

"Finish your food, Ali. C'mon!" The man instructed and I simply stared at him with no emotion on my face.

He was sitting on the chair beside the bed. He was holding a bowl with soup on his left hand and his right hand was holding the spoon. He lifted up the spoon with soup and moved closer towards my mouth.

"I can do it," I insisted as I wanted to get the spoon from him. He shook his head and glared at me as if he was ordering me to eat.

I rolled my eyes and placed the spoon inside my mouth. He's been here since I woke up. He also came back after the doctor gave some medications that made me calm. One thing is sure, I didn't know him. I didn't have any idea who he was.

"Get well as soon as possible. You have many things to do outside," he mentioned while mixing the soup in the bowl.

"Harley, right?" I innocently asked. Since earlier, he's been taking care of me for unknown reason. He's the one who was here even if Boss Rom was also in the room.

He slightly widened his eyes and gulped. "Yeah." He looked away from my stare.

"Are you my new Vigilante partner?" I asked again and kept my eyes on him. They told me about my condition earlier so I would think that this person beside me was important.

"I will never be," he stated and sighed as if he was regretting something on himself.

"Why are you here?" Wearing my curiousity look on my face.

"Just eat and finish this." He bit his lips and placed the bowl on my side.

He stood up and walked towards the door. I only stared at him until I heard the slam of the door again. I was left here alone on the bed with the bowl on my side. He left me with confusion and curiosity within me.

Why do I always feel that there's something missing in my life? Am I not deserving to feel complete? Was my life not enough?

I wiped the tears down on my face. When would I stop these tears from streaming down?

The knocks from the door made me come back to myself. I took a deep breath first and said, "Come in."

The door showed the presence of my parents. They were bringing themselves as they walked towards my bed. I smiled a bit. All my life I've been looking for my real parents.

With my desire to find them, I became part of the Vigilante Association. I never imagined that I was living with them the whole time. I've been spending my life with them while I'm finding them at the same time.

"How are you?" Mom asked as they sat down beside me.

"Getting better," I simply answered. I felt the soft touch of her hand on my hand as well. I turned my eyes on her until she planted a smile on her face.

"Ali, I know it was hard for you to cope up with your situation. You've been through a lot of challenges but I know that you can make it." She gently caressed her hand on me.

I took another deep breath until the tears streamed down again.

"We will be here at your side no matter what." Her tears were also streaming down likewise with mine.

"T-Thank you, Mom." I cried as I moved my body closer with her and I wrapped my arms on her back. Nothing could change the mother's love to ease the pain of her child.

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