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Allison's POV

Inside the rusty metal cell of the prison and the darkness covering the whole place every night, I survived to live in three days without someone that I could talk to.

I survived to live in hell after Harley left and already went out of the jail.

Now, I woke up early because I prepared my things and other stuff. I already took a bath and ready myself to face the outside world again.

Today was the day that I would be going out to this prison hell.

The police officer unlocked the prison cell after a few minutes. "You can now go, Miss."

I nodded then I held my duffel bag. I walked out of the prison cell and went to the information desk where Boss Rom and Levi were already waiting.

When I reached the information desk, Levi quickly ran towards me and suddenly hugged me. Widened eyes showed on my face. This man missed me so much. After a few seconds when he realized what he did, he let go from the hug.

He scratched his head and looked away. "I just missed you." He smiled a bit.

I chuckled. "I also missed my Vigilante partner."

Boss Rom interrupted us. "Allison, everything was already settled. Let's go?" He also turned his eyes on Levi.

"Sure. I know everyone was waiting for me in the Vigilante Association building."

Meanwhile, the three of us went out of the police station. The car of Boss Rom was the vehicle that we used and Levi was the one who drove it.

Time passed by and we already reached the association's building. Unexpectedly, the Vigilantes team surprised me with the banners on their hands after we entered the entrance of the building.

"Welcome back, Miss Ali," they happily cheered in unison.

I smiled on them. "Thank you so much, Vigilantes."

"We've prepared food inside, let's go!" Tania invited. We all went into the dining area for the simple celebration they made.

While they were all having fun, I looked around on them. Nothing changed. They were still the team and the family I had before.

I sat beside the seat of Levi. He was spacing out and looked like he was deeply thinking about something.

"Hey! Are you okay, Levi?" I called out his attention. He snapped then he turned his eyes on me.

"Yeah. I'm alright. How about you, Ali?" He asked in return.

I also turned my eyes on him. "Well, good as hell."

He chuckled and asked again. "What's your plan now?"

I grinned. "I'm gonna find the person behind this. That person was gonna pay for what happened."

Suddenly, Boss Rom entered the dining area. He looked at me. "Allison, someone is waiting for you in my office."

I raised my eyebrows. "Who?"

He turned his eyes on Levi then came back on me.

"Just come in my office now," he ordered then he walked out. I quickly followed Boss Rom then I also heard the footsteps from Levi.

As I entered Boss Rom's office, I saw a woman sitting in front of the table. She quickly stood up and hugged me tightly. Widened eyes showed on my face then she let go and looked at me in the eyes.

She had the same physical feature on me. The eyes, nose and lips were exactly the same as mine. Our heights were almost the same. Our bodies were also matched.

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