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Allison's POV

It was around nine o'clock in the morning when the office of Boss Rom was surrounded by the Vigilantes members. I arrived at that moment from my apartment.

"What are you looking for in the office?" I asked, looking at them seriously. They almost jumped on their place as they were shocked by my voice. They all looked away and apologized.

"Go back to your own work, Vigilantes!" I ordered and they quickly went out in front of the office.

I entered the office and I felt a sudden shock when Madi and the doctor had already arrived.

"I thought I will be the one who's coming early today." I grinned. "Sorry for waiting," I added.

"It's alright, Sis. I just arrived a few minutes before you came," Madi responded. I smiled a bit on her and sat down beside her.

"By the way, where's Boss Rom?" I asked her without minding the doctor inside.

"I'm here, Ali." Then he showed up from the door and sat down on his chair. I rolled my eyes because he was having fun again.

"Ladies, are we going to start DNA testing already?" The doctor suddenly asked.

"Sure, Doc. Make it quick," I demanded. He nodded then prepared the things he needed for the testing.

He wore the gloves and got the two white tube sticks with five inches long, I guessed. It had a flat thin surface at the other side of its ending point.

"So, we're going to do the Autosomal DNA using the Ancestry DNA Testing Kit," the doctor said. He also put a small glass tube in front of our chair.

"Let's start. Open your mouth, Miss," he ordered Madi. He inserted the white tube stick facing the flat thin surface in Madi's mouth until he got a small amount of saliva from it.

After he did it, he put the tube stick in the small plastic bag. One more thing was that he pulled a string of hair on Madi's curly hair and put it in the glass tube.

When he was done to Madi, he was now facing in my place and did the same thing to me. Same process on what he did to Madi.

Few minutes later, I was also done on the DNA testing. The doctor also got all he needed from us. We also gave him some information about ourselves. After he packed up all his stuff, he thanked us and he already said that he needed to go.

"Thank you, Doc. Just call the number we gave for the result," I said.

"No problem. I'll go ahead. Thanks," he responded then went out of the office.

"So what now?" Madi asked. I raised my eyebrow on her. "What?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "When will I start working?" She asked again.

I did not mind her question and I only looked at Boss Rom. "Is Levi already here?" I asked because I still didn't see him.

"Yeah. He's in the technological room," he answered. Great! I needed to talk to Boss Rom right now. I turned my back again to Madi.

"Madi, can you please go first to Levi and tell him that he needs to tour you all over the building," I ordered her. It's not the right time to tell her about my poster parents and besides we're still waiting for the DNA result.

"Great!" She quickly walked out of the office. I and Boss Rom remained inside.

"Boss, I need to go home and file a leave for five days," I demanded. His eyes widened in shock.

"What? What about your sister? Who is going to train her?" He consecutively asked.

I grinned. "Levi is going to handle her."

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