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Levi's POV

As I was sitting in front of the long table beside the chair of Ali, she started to ask the suggestions of other members about the plan for the mission.

I raised my hand. "I have a suggestion."

She turned her eyes on me. "What is it, Levi?" 

"What if we use fake drugs and sell it to him with the exact amount we want to get," I suggested. 

"That's possible. Any other suggestions?" She asked.

"I agree with Levi's suggestion, Ms. Ali," Tania said.

"Alright! Raised the hands of those who agreed with him," Ali commanded. 

They all raised their hands and agreed. I did not expect it! Ali turned her eyes again on me while she's still standing beside my place.

"As you can see, they all agreed with you. So, tell us the whole plan for this mission, Mr. Levi," she demanded, raising her eyebrow. 

My eyes widened. "WHAT?!"

"Tell us what we need to do."

I scratched my head. This lady never failed to challenge me ever since I became his Vigilante partner.

I stood up and walked on the other side of her place. I put my hands in my pocket and faced them as if I had a great idea. 

I formed a smile. "This is the plan. First, we need to contact the target and tell him that we're gonna have a transaction with him tomorrow evening…"

"Tania, the man beside you would contact Mr. De Leon, now!" Ali interrupted.

"Next, the fake drugs. We need to make at least three boxes of fake drugs until tomorrow afternoon. Then, I and Ali would be meeting up the target and we're gonna wait until he signs the money check. After that, someone would accompany us in delivering the fake drugs," I further explained.

"What are we gonna do then?" One of the members asked.

"Stand by. If something might happen, you need to be alert so we can finish this mission successfully."

"What if he finds out that the drugs are fake?" Ali suddenly asked. 

"Don't worry, Ali. We will show him a few imported drugs so that he would not doubt."

Her expression changed quickly. Her eyes were looking at me terrifyingly. Sh*t. What did I say?

"Where the hell can we get imported drugs?! Don't tell me, you're a drug user?!" She exclaimed.

"NO! Oh c'mon! Ali, we have connections right?" I scratched my head and she simply rolled her eyes. 

"Fine! That's it?" I nodded then she faced the members and asked, "Are we all clear with that, Vigilantes?!"

"Yes, Ms. Ali." We all answered in chorus.

"Okay. The meeting adjourned. See you all tomorrow, Vigilantes!" 

They all packed up themselves and quickly left the room. I waited for Ali to finish all her works.

"Ali! Let's go?"

She nodded and we both walked out of the Vigilante Association building. Each member of the association had their own apartment. Those two-storey apartments were built on both sides of the Vigilante Association building. 

Ali and I had the same area of apartment. We always had a time together while we were walking on the street with the ample light coming from the postlight. 

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