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Allison's POV

It has been more than a month since Madi came back in my life. She also became an official member of the association. In our everyday training, I always reminded her to be a better Vigilante.

"What was that, Madi?" I began while we were still inside the tech-room.

She was crossing her arms below her chest. "Why are you preaching me? Preach those members who do not know how to follow."

I grinned. "Madi. You are my sister. I do not want anyone to think something bad about you."

"I was only ordering them, Ali," she defended.

I closed my palm and took a deep breath. "You don't need to order them because they will never follow you."

"Why?! Because I'm not their boss?"

"No. Because you are one of them." I sat down on the swivel chair in the center and crossed my legs. 

"And you should be the one who needs to follow?"

"We are all equal here, Madi. No one should be on top. If you want to be on top, then work hard for it."

She only rolled her eyes on me. "Whatever!"

"Madi! I'm telling you! Don't ever do it again. We're here to give justice not to fight with one another. Do you understand?"

She shrugged her shoulders and brushed her hair using the right hand. "Fine!"

I grinned. She's really my sister. Her hard-headedness was the same as mine. Well, twins were surely common in other ways around.

After the day I preached to her, I always observed her actions until she became an official member in our association.

It's been more than two weeks since we were preparing for the next big mission to the illegal gambling session.

We were here in the meeting area. Planning for our next step before we operated the mission.

Levi was the one who was handling this with the supervision of Boss Rom. I was only on his side to help and support him. Just like right now, I was sitting on the chair beside his place.

"Something is wrong," he announced while tapping the pen on the table.

"What do you mean?" I asked in return.

The big screen in the center was flashing information and some photos about our plan.

"During our surveillance in the area, these past few days the gumbling area in the Over Heiress Company was having a high security service…"

"...Bouncers were scattered all over the building. They also had a sudden change from their technological security," Levi explained.

"So you mean… there is a possibility that they know our plan?" I questioned.

"Mr. Collins is the most influential businessmen in Italy, Miss Ali. He has many connections," Tania added.

"But, there is also a chance that we are being sabotaged with someone," Levi said meaningfully while he was looking at the members one by one.

"You mean someone in here is not a loyal member in this association?" Madi asked. She was sitting beside the chair of Tania.

In the middle of our meeting, a sound of gunshots occupied the whole association building. It was made consecutively.

"The hell!" I hissed.

"Prepare your guns, now!" I ordered while we all stood up with the widened eyes on our faces.

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