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Allison's POV

"L-Levi," I cried as my hands were shaking while it was slowly holding Levi 's body full of blood that fell down on the floor.

I screamed his name as his eyes were slowly closing. 

"Levi! Hold-on, okay?!" I held his hand and rubbed his hair. I placed my other hand on his face and pleaded with him through my stare. The tears in my eyes also fell down on his face.

"A...Ali," he called as his lips twisted out in pain.

"Let's bring him to the hospital! Now!" I ordered and screamed again.

Harley lifted him up and brought him with his hands. The blood kept on flowing on the floor as we rushed to bring him up to the van.

I never thought that he would save my life. He put his life in risk just to save me from my sister. The hell! I would never forgive myself if something happened to him. 

Boss Rom led my parents to the hospital as well. The other Vigilantes were chasing my sister from running away. However, I couldn't help not to worry about Levi. I was on his side while Harley was driving for us. He was holding his breath heavily as his hands twirled on mine.

"Levi! Please! Hold on!" I cried again. The tears in my eyes never ended to stream down.

The car stopped in front of the emergency area. I quickly opened the door until the nurses came into our place with the sketcher they brought.

They lifted his body. I was biting my lips to stop it from trembling and my nails were grinding together as I stared at them, bringing Levi in the emergency room.

Sh*t! Not this time. Not him, please! I could not bear the pain if I lost him. 

Tears were streaming down my face as I followed them inside. Harley was on my side. He kept on rubbing my back to comfort me. He invited me to sit down in the waiting area beside the emergency room.

I only put my hands on my toes and looked down. I felt wasted right now. My mind could not think properly.

"Ali!" I heard the footsteps running to our place and the voice who called me was from Boss Rom.

I lifted my head up and stared at them. The worry in their eyes was evident but I only gave them no emotion at all.

"Your parents are resting in a room from the second floor," Boss Rom stated.

I made a fake smile. "Thank you."

All of our eyes turned when we all heard the click of the door from the emergency room. The doctor showed up from inside. I quickly stood up and walked towards him. He removed his mask and faced me.

"How is he?" I asked while my face was wearing the worry inside me.

"He lost his blood too much and there's a bullet buried in his back. We need to have a blood donor for him as soon as we pulled the bullet through the surgery," the doctor answered.

"The hell!" I cursed but Harley was silently comforting me after he followed at my back.

"We will bring him to the isolation room for now before the surgery."

"Thank you, Doc."

He nodded and walked back inside the emergency room. I was massaging the side of my head to hide how wasted I am.

The door of the emergency room opened again. This time the nurses and the doctor showed together with the sketcher where Levi was peacefully sleeping. I tightly closed my eyes and the fist of my palm. I could not take to see him like that. I'd rather be in his place than seeing the important person in my life suffering because of me.

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