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Harley's POV

October 09, 2031
Catania, Italy

I met a lady named Allison Cruz. I was hooked with her beauty. She was awesome and fierceful. I kissed her because I wanted to know her weakness. Well, obviously her weakness is my existence. I knew it!

My fifth year in a prison cell was kinda lucky because I met her and honestly I wanna know her more. Starting today, I would make sure that she will be mine.

Yours truly,
Harley Dalton

I closed the notebook after I wrote my daily journal for yesterday. The police officer ordered me to go to the information desk. 

"You have a phone call, Harley."

I nodded and quickly walked to the information desk and used the telephone.


"Good Morning, Harley. This is Atty. Josh. I'm very sorry that I could not visit you there but I have news for you."

"What is it, Atty. Josh?" I curiously asked. 

Atty. Josh was my lawyer for five years. Although he had a hard time meeting me, he was still there to fight for my case. He was the one who could lift me up when there was a trial session.

"Next week, you can already get out of jail. The chief of justice already dismissed your case," he said on the other line. Damn! Is that true?!

"Are you serious, Attorney?" 

"Of course! So, enjoy your remaining days and your new work is waiting for you."

My eyes widened in shock. "Work? Damn! Thank you, Attorney! You're the best."

I heard him chuckled on the other line.  "You're welcome, Harley. You are my client so I should give the best service for you."

"You're worthy to become a lawyer," I sincerely said then I formed a smile on my face.

"I know. Alright, I need to end the call. Bye, Harley. See you soonest."

He ended the call and I stayed at the information desk for a moment. I could not help myself to smile. I knew I looked crazy right now but I honestly felt the excitement.

After five years, I was going to see the outside world again. I was going to see my family again, my sister. I deeply sighed and shook my head then I also went back to my prison cell.

As I walked to the men's prison cell, I glanced  at Allison using my peripheral vision. She was going upstairs. With my curiosity, I silently followed her to the upstairs. She suddenly stopped walking then I quickly hid as she turned her back. 

I took a deep breath when she continued to walk on the second floor. An idea came into my mind. I continued to follow her secretly. 

When she entered on the rooftop, I slowly opened the door and hid on the side. I took a look at her with curiosity on my body.

"Ashley Dalton! How are you?!" She suddenly screamed while she was facing the sky. 

Wait? Did she say 'Ashley Dalton'? Damn! That's my sister's name! How did she know her? 

"Look at me now, I'm stuck in jail without knowing who made this on me! I missed the association! And you know what's the worst? I let a man kiss me here! The hell!" She ranted. I chuckled in my hidden place.  

 "Why are you too much affected, Darling?" I asked after I showed up from my place.

When she heard my voice, she quickly turned back. She jumped on her place with widened eyes on her face. Unfortunately, she suddenly slipped off her feet and slowly fell down on the ground.

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