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Allison's POV

"Thank you, Sir!" I saluted and smiled at the policemen in the information desk as I was holding the duffel bag on the other side of my hand.

I stepped my feet down to the entrance of the police station. The cold winds welcomed me as I closed my eyes and breathed in the air.

"Siiiiiis!" The voice of the cheerful woman from afar made my eyes open again. I turned my eyes to the voice and I planted a smile on my face.

She was running towards my place as she wore a deep smile on her face. A tight hug from her was made as she jumped over my body. I also wrapped my arms on her back.

"Welcome back!" She said in excitement as she let go from my body.

Shadows from her back were shown. A wide smile formed on my face as I put down the bag in my hand and quickly ran towards my parents.

I tightly wrapped my arms on them as I closed my eyes. It's been three months since the judgement. It's been three months since I finally got out of prison.

It was a tough months for me and for all of us. With the help of the association, we turned all the cases to the one and only Mr. Collins. The jury turned all the accusations to him as we became the witnesses from all his illegal doings.

I've waited for three months to finally get justice not only for us but also for the whole country.

I sighed as I let go from them. I felt the hand of my mom to my face as she wiped the tears coming from my eyes. I chuckled as I also wiped it through my other hand.

"Oh c'mon! Let's go! We had something to do with this girl," she said meaningfully as she held my both hands.

I arched my eyebrows in confusion. "Is there something we need to celebrate?"

She raised his forefinger and waved it in the air. "Nope! But we will do something for you." She winked at me and I simply rolled my eyes on her.

"Madi!" I disagreed.

She placed her hands on my shoulder and held the bag that I put down on the ground. She pushed me with her hands and we both went inside the car likewise on what my parents did.

"You're not allowed to say anything, Sis! Just do what we say, okay?" She assured us as we both sat down in the back seat of the car. I just nodded in her words as I crossed my arms under my chest.

After a long drive from the police station up to our house, Madi quickly grabbed my hand as I went out of the car.

"Hey! Madi! Relax, okay?" I chuckled and she loosen her hand from my hand.

"I'm just excited, Ali!" She giggled as we both walked inside the house. We stepped up on the stairs until we reached the door of our room.

She quickly clicked the door knob and she instructed me to sit in front of the mirror. Before I walked towards the mirror, I roamed my eyes around the room. It looked the same as before and the only difference was the bed size because it was much bigger than as usual.

Meanwhile, she showed me a dark blue off-shoulder dress and gave it to me. I looked at her in confusion as I raised my eyebrow.

"What am I going to do with this?"

She rolled her eyes and pushed me up to the bathroom. "Oh god! Wear it, Ali!"

I turned my back on her as my eyes widened. "What?! No!" I hissed as I gave back the dress on her.

She glared at me. "Yes!" She throwed the dress on my face.

I shrugged my shoulder as I went inside the bathroom and wore the dress. After a while, I locked the zipper on the back and I faced the mirror at the side of the bathroom.

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