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Levi's POV

"SH*T!" I screamed in shock after I saw blood on Ali's arm.

"Give me the first aid kit! NOW!" I commanded because the flow of blood was getting worse.

"Levi, I'm alright. This is normal," she defended.

"No, Ali! Look at you! If you did not push me, this is not gonna happen!" I exclaimed then she looked away from me.

I saw her lips twisted out in pain after I got the small bullet on her arm-shoulder using the tweezers. As she took a deep breath multiple times, a cold sweats was running on her face.

Using the cold-pressure kit, the blood suddenly stopped from flowing. I quickly put a betadine to disinfect the bacteria that came from the bullet and I used a bandage to cover her wound so it would heal as soon as possible.

"Next time, it's better to save your life first than taking a risk for other people," I preached her. 

She grinned. "The last time I did it, my best friend died and left me. So you can't blame me, Levi. I just don't want to lose someone's life… again."

I stared at her. She saved me because she didn't want to lose me. So, am I important to her? 

"Thank you for this," she simply said, pointing out the bandage on her arm then she took a rest inside the van. 


Time passed by quickly. It's been two days since we accomplished the mission. For the two days off in work, I just stayed in my apartment and never had a contact from the association and with her.

As I entered the Vigilante Association building now, it seemed everybody's good. Some members suddenly greeted me.

Boss Rom also showed up as I walked towards the technological room.

"Good morning, Boss," I greeted and saluted on him.

"Good morning, Levi. How's your day off?" He curiously asked.

"It was good. By the way, where's Ali?"

Then he pointed out the door of the tech-room. "She's inside." And I nodded. 

"Levi." Boss Rom called when I was about to enter the tech-room.

"Yes, Boss?" 

He looked at me directly in the eyes. "Always take care of her. She needs someone like you. A friend who can stay by her side no matter what happens."

I deeply smiled. "No worries, Boss. I would do it not because you say so but because I want to. I want to protect her."

"Thank you." Then he eventually lost in my sight  as he went into his office. 

I quickly walked inside the tech-room and unexpectedly I saw her, Ali, talking in front of everybody.

She stopped after he noticed my existence. "Good morning, Levi."

"Good morning," I replied and sat on the chair beside her place. 

"As I was saying, we are going to do the donation project in Innocence Orphan Home today," she explained.

My eyes widened in shock. "Innocence Orphan Home?!"

"Yes. Is there any problem?"

"Nothing," I answered. Damn! We were going to the place where I grew up. 

After the meeting, I did not expect that we were doing the donation project today. I'm not prepared!

I've just realized that the goods and products for the donation were already packed and the program was already settled. I just saw myself inside the van and our team was ready to go for this new project.

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