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Allison's POV 

"What are you talking about, Ali?" He asked in confusion. His eyes formed a small detailed look as he questioned my actions.

I gritted my teeth and held the gun tightly. "You! You destroyed my life! I trusted you, Harley!"

While my eyes were focused on him, small drops of tears fell down again. The hell! 

"I don't know what you mean." He put his hands on his hips and his eyes were kept on questioning.

I grinned as my tears kept on streaming down. I throwed the folder at him. He remained confused because of the folder but I still pointed out the gun on him.

"That's the e-evidences, Harley! Now! Tell me! Why?! Why d-did you do this to me?!"

After he opened the inside of the folder, he browsed all the papers and pictures that were put inside of it.

His expression changed. His mouth slightly opened and his eyes turned back on me. His eyes were pleasing. "A-Ali. Let me explain."

I took a deep breath and I glared at him as my anger was growing. I stepped back on my right foot and held the gun with both hands.

"Explain what?!" I screamed as I quickly shot his right side. 

His hands went to his ears and he covered his whole face. "Ali!"

I heard a footsteps inside our house. They were coming to our place. The front door opened and it showed my mom and dad.

"Allison!" Dad yelled as they saw us in this situation. 

I did not listen to their words. All I wanted was to destroy this man in front of me like how he destroyed my life. He almost occupied my heart with his words. I've almost treasured him but he destroyed me.

"I want you to leave this house, Harley! I don't want to see you again. Never in my life!" 

"Ali… please. Let me say a word first," he pleaded. He slowly moved his hands and offered it on me. 

I grinned as I remained pointing the gun on him. "Leave or die?"

His eyes widened likewise on his mouth. "No! Ali… please!"

"You choose, Harley. Either leave or die." I wiped the tears on my face.

He looked down and slowly put back the papers and pictures in the folder. He walked towards my place and gave back the folder without giving any emotion on his face.

"I'll leave," he said.

I slowly put down my hands likewise with the gun. I stared at him as he slowly went inside the house. He never gave a glance to my parents but they followed him as he walked inside. I was left alone and remained standing in my place as he slowly vanished in my sight.

Minutes later of being occupied with my thoughts, he showed again in my front. He was bringing his bag with him and his eyes were still pleading with me.

"If you want me to leave, then I'll leave. I would never let you see me again. Never again, Ali."

He walked out without looking back. His footsteps were heavily walking away from me. I also turned my eyes on him as he walked away until the door of the gate was eventually closed. This time I would never see him again.


I opened my heavy eyes as the sound of the alarm kept on annoying me. I clicked the end button on my phone and placed it back on the side table of my bed.

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