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Allison's POV

With the good weather in the sky, I and Harley went to Ashley's grave after we went into the mall. I never thought that I would be bringing someone on my greatest friend's grave.

I never imagined that of all people, Harley would be the one that I brought here. The person who made my life more complicated since I met him. 

Thus, I could not deny the fact that I had become comfortable with him. His presence made me feel protected. With his presence, I felt something different unlike when I'm with Levi.

Wait. Did I compare them?! The hell! Don't think of that, Ali!

I sighed after we both sat in front of the grave. 

"It's been a while, Ash!"

Harley was still not saying a word after he sat down on the ground. I turned my eyes on him. He was focused while holding the grave of Ashley. His gorgeous face formed a sadness on it. I put my hand on his back.

"Harley, what happened? Are you okay?" I asked and he turned his eyes on me.

"Huh? Yeah. I'm alright..." He chuckled. "I just realized that life is unfair."

I looked back at Ashley's grave. "Yeah. There are people that do not deserve to experience the worst scenario in their life but that's what life gives to them. Ashley was one of the examples."

He nodded and looked at me again. "How did the both of you enter the association?" He asked. 

I chuckled and grinned at the same time. "It was a long story but to make it short, our current boss was the one who encouraged us to join the association. Besides, we're both soon to be lawyers that time."

"So, you did not continue your law degree?"

I shook my head. "I did. To be honest, there are times that I want to quit in the association but I already committed myself and I promised her to continue my life as Vigilante." I formed a bitter sweet smile on my face. 

He remained silent after a few seconds. I looked at him while he was looking at the sky then I continued to say, "Also, I promised her to find my real parents and... her brother."

He turned his gaze again on me and showed a smile his face. 

"You already found the one."

"Huh? What did you say?"

He whispered some words but I did not hear it clearly.

He chuckled. "Nothing! It's about to rain. Let's go home?"

I nodded. After that we both stood up and said goodbye to Ashley.

When Harley was about to walk, I called him.

"Harley! Thank you. Thank you for your presence," I sincerely said.

He curled his lips into a sweet smile and his gaze was still on mine. "I told you. If we met each other again, I will slowly make you mine, Ali. You have nothing to do with it." He winked. I rolled my eyes and he chuckled again.

When I was about to follow him, I saw on my peripheral vision the two men wearing a full black on their body. They were standing on the tree near the grave. They were holding a gun and pointing it out in our place. 

I looked around without giving them an eye. There was no one here on the side of this cemetery except from us. The car was a few meters away from the grave. I kneeled down and got my gun to my hidden pocket. 

One. Two. Three. 

"HARLEY!! RUN!" I exclaimed after they already made a gunshot towards our place.

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