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Allison's POV

The sun was still not visible when I woke up and prepared for today. I've already taken a bath and wore high waist jeans, a navy blue polo shirt which was the uniform of the association, and of course, the combat shoes.

I inserted my gun on the side of my combat shoes and put other stuffs in my bag then I went out of our house. It's around six o'clock in the morning when I reached the Vigilante Association Office. 

It's a two-storey building. The first floor was composed of a technical room and operation room while the second floor was a training ground for the members.

I went to Boss Rom's mini office.

"Good Morning, Allison!" He greeted me.

"There was no good in the morning, Boss. Where is the new member?"

"Oh! Your new Vigilante Partner was waiting in the training ground, Allison."

"Great! A lady or a man?" I asked.

"A man," he answered. 

I grinned. "I'll let him savour the taste of the first evaluation."

I quickly shut the door of the office and went upstairs with a gun in my hand.

Training ground was a spacious area wherein there were dart boards and human-metal boards placed in both sides and corners of the room. The firearms were also placed in the huge wooden cabinet at the back of the room.

I harshly opened the door and made the first gunshot after I saw a man wearing a black jeans and jacket. One dartboard was turned down. I grinned when I saw his eyes widened.

I slowly walked towards him while pointing the gun directly on his body. He moved backward and also pointed out a gun on me that he got from his pocket.

"Who are you!?" He exclaimed while his dark brown eyes looked at me. 

"First and foremost, learn how the hell moves and attack fastly!" I made a gunshot on his right side again. He was trembling in fear.

"Second, fear is not acceptable here. So be brave and be strong." Another shot to his left side. He avoided it as he ran towards my back.

I turned around. "Lastly, learn how to fight back with the villain or else you will die!" 

Then I made a spike with the gun in his hand until it throwed on the floor. With the surprise on his face, he quickly attacked me as he wanted to get the gun on my hand.

I also threw it away and forcefully kicked him on his chest. I saw a smirk on his face after he fell down on the floor.

"C'mon! Is that what you can do? Give you your best shot, Dude!" 

He slowly stood up then ran towards my place. He attacked me with his punches. A fast and consecutive punches thrown over me and all I could do was abstain. 

When I got a chance to block him, I made a hard punch on his face and kicked him again until his body was thrown on the floor again. 

Woooh! He's great. I walked towards him and offered my hand.

"Allison Cruz, one of the Vigilante Leaders in this association," I simply said.

He accepted my hand and helped him to stand up. A handshake was made with the both of us.

"I'm Levi. Levi Prescott. So, you are the one that I am working with," he said while looking me directly in the eyes.

I grinned. "You're still not sure about that, Mr. Prescott. Now, follow me in the technological room." 

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