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Allison's POV

"I would like to congratulate the new official member of Vigilante Association, Mr. Levi Prescott," Boss Rom announced inside the operation room where we gathered every time there was an announcement and meeting. 

The sound of different clap hands occupied the whole place as Levi went in front. I also clapped my hands as a sign of my proudness on him. 

One month had passed since he entered this association. I was the one who trained him everyday. In every day that we spent our time together in training, a new friendship bloomed. 

Aside from being naughty, he was the type of person who can be fierceful when it comes to work and that's what I like with him. 

"Congrats," I mouthed as he passed by with my place and went back to his chair. A proud smile showed on his face. 

"Before we proceed with our meeting, I would also give this certificate of appreciation and recognition to the lady who devoted herself to this association. A woman of power and leadership, Ms. Allison Cruz," Boss Rom proudly announced again. 

I knew it! I stood up and walked in front as I heard their hands clapping together.

"Thank you, Boss Rom."

"You deserved it, Ali."

After I received the certificate, I looked at all the members sitting in their place. 

I grinned. "Thank you, Vigilantes! Let's all continue to fight for justice," I proudly said then went back to my chair. 

After one and half hours, the meeting adjourned. We talked about our next target and the hardest mission that we needed to accomplish. All members went out until I and Boss Rom remained inside the operation room.

"Boss, is there new information about my biological parents?" 

He glanced at me and suddenly looked away. "I'm still working with the investigator, Ali. As of now, they could not still find new information," he replied.

I made a fake smile. "It's alright. I'm gonna wait for your update." 

He nodded and I walked out of the room. I've been finding them throughout my entire life. My poster parents didn't even know where they were. They did not also know that one of my reasons why I dreamed of this kind of life was because of my real parents. 

Only I and Ashley knew about this because she was also finding his brother and I promised her that I would find her brother. I've realized how my feet brought me here in the training ground. My comfort zone.

I spent almost one hour here and I almost turned down all the human metal boards using the different guns stuck here.

"Ali?" A familiar voice called. I shot the last board then a man showed beside my place. Levi. 

"Here." He offered a soft drink in can. I looked up on him and accepted his offer.

"Thanks," I simply said and fixed all the mess that I made in the area. 

"Seems like my Vigilante partner is at the moment of sadness," he said after sipping his root beer in can.

"What the hell are you talking about, Levi?"

He laughed. "Nothing! I'm just worried because you're not used to being like that."

"Like what?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. He scratched his head and straightly drank his soft drink.

"Like an empty can because you looked empty at this moment."

I grinned and chuckled. "Nonsense! Don't worry. I'm okay."

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