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Levi's POV

"See you all tomorrow, Vigilantes!" I said to the team then they all went home to their apartments. 

It's been a long day for today because we executed a mission without Allison. I did not even visit her, my beloved friend, in prison. 

I sighed. The sun was about to vanish as I walked towards my apartment. I really missed that lady. I wished that her case would be dismissed as soon as possible.

As I reached my apartment, I suddenly stopped in front of it when I saw a woman sitting down beside the door. 

I quickly ran towards the lady. She seemed not feeling well because I could see the tiredness on her body. When I reached the door of my apartment, my eyes widened in shock after I realized who the lady was.

"Allison?!" I exclaimed. She was holding a bottle of alcoholic drink. She was wearing jogger pants and a denim jacket with a white cloth inside.

"What are you doing here? Wait.. did you already get out of the prison?! When? And why are you drunk?!" I asked consecutively.

She brushed her curly long hair and looked at me. Wait?! As far as I remembered, Allison had straight hair. I sighed once again. Nevermind. It didn't matter. 

"Levi…" she whispered. I sat down and helped her to stand up. The bottle of alcoholic drink fell down on the ground as we stood up.

"W-Why d-did you come h-home late, L-Levi?!" She asked in drunkness. 

I opened the door while my right hand was helping her to move forward inside the apartment because it's hard for me to carry her if I brought her in her own apartment. Damn! What happened to this lady?!

"Ali, hold on. We might fall," I demanded. 

"What?! W-What did you s-say?! Are you falling in l-love with me?" Then she laughed unexpectedly. I shook my head and smiled.

When I was about to bring her on the chair, she lost her balance. My eyes widened in shock so I did not take a chance to balance myself then we both slowly fell down on the floor. 

My heart started to pound continuously. My eyes could not blink properly as I saw her above my body. Our bodies touched each other and her face became closer to mine. 

I gulped when I felt the hotness inside my body. She stared at me and laughed until the small drops of tears fell down on her face.

I simply stared at her genuine face until she stopped laughing. Damn! She's just a friend, Levi!

"Levi," she teasingly called while sliding her fingers on my face. 

I tried to lean forward but she stopped me.

"Shhh! Don't you love me, Levi?" she asked again as she teased me in my lips using her fingers.

I moved away from what she was doing. "Damn! Allison! You're just drunk! This is not right!" I exclaimed.

She remained above my body while I was leaning back on the floor. Suddenly, she removed her denim jacket and threw it on the floor. I cleared my throat and my eyes widened when I saw her damn sexy body because of the sando that she was wearing.

She teasingly smiled then she leaned forward and quickly pressed her lips on mine. I closed my eyes when I felt the softness and tenderness of her lips. Sh*t! 

Without the proper thought in my head, I responded with her kisses. The kisses were intense as she slowly moved it up and down. It felt like she was bringing me to heaven. I held her back and pulled her closer to my body.

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