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Harley's POV

"Harley?!" The woman who I was hitted with the hose called out

I turned my eyes on her. Widened eyes formed on my face.

"Allison?!" The heck! Her eyes narrowed and looked at me with the question look.

"What are you doing here?!" I asked in shock. 

"What the hell are you talking about?! I was the one who needed to ask you that freakin' question!" She exclaimed, raising her eyebrow.

Meanwhile, Miss Shane and Mr. Jack came over to our place with confusion on their faces.

"Allison! What happened?" Miss Shane asked then she looked at Allison from top to bottom.

"OMG! What happened to you?!"

Allison made a grin. "It's nothing, Mom! He just accidentally showered my body with the hose."

I looked down. "Sorry, Miss Shane. I did not know that she was here," I defended myself.

"Then, why are you here?" She asked in return.

"Wait… did you know each other?" Mr. Jack also asked. I only looked down. 

Fate never failed me. With all places, I've never imagined that I would see her again and the most unexpected was that she was the daughter of my employer. 

"Yes, Dad. I met him in the association," Allison answered. 

I raised my eyebrow in confusion. What did she mean about association? I gave her a question look and she gave me a small detailed eye look as she warned me with her eyes. I got it.

"Yes, Mr. Jack. I was a former member of the association," I lied. 

"Really? That's great!" Mr. Jack responded then he looked at Allison.

"Change your clothes now, Allison," he ordered. 

Allison nodded then she turned her eyes again on me. Her eyes are full of questions. She walked with her parents and they all went inside the house.

This is how I started to have a new life

New life for myself. I've been working here as a driver for Mr. Jack and Mrs. Shane since I got out of the prison. 

I thought that they did not have a child but unexpectedly I learned accidentally that Allison was their child.

After that, I went into the garage to clean the car that was parked there. Their house was not so big. It was really perfect for them.

Suddenly, I heard Allison from inside then her Mom called me.

"Ma'am Shane, what is it?" I asked as I looked at Ali on the stairs.

"Is the car already clean?" her Mom asked. 

"Yes, Ma'am!" I answered and smiled at her.

"Good. Now, drive for Ali. She wants to go to the mall."

"Sure, Ma'am. No problem," I responded and glanced at Ali again. Both of her eyebrows met together and her cheeks turned into red in frustration.

"What?! I can drive on my own, Mom!" She complained.

"No, Ali! Harley will be your driver," her Mom ordered.

Then she rolled her eyes and walked out of the house with disappointment on her face. I quickly followed her in the garage.

As I reached the garage, I opened the gate then quickly entered the car. I used the engine to move it outside the house. 

"Where's the key?" Ali asked as she opened the front seat after I parked it outside.

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