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Allison's POV


Her phone almost fell down as she saw me in front of her. Her eyes widened for a moment then she looked down and avoided my glare.

"What are you doing here?" We both asked each other unexpectedly.

I cleared my throat and placed my hand in my pocket. "Answer me. What are you doing here?" I asked with authority.

"I'm talking to my friend." She turned back her eyes on me and showed a smile on her face.

"What about you, Ali? What are you doing here?"

I did not answer her question but I stayed my eyes focus on her. "Do you have a friend? Who?" I asked again instead.

"Yes, why would not?" She raised her eyebrow.

I grinned. "I'm only asking, Madi. By the way, I came here to drink but I heard you talking to someone." I looked at her maliciously.

"It's just my friend, Ali. You don't have to worry," she answered. She formed a smile and walked out of our place.

I deeply sighed and walked back to the technological room. I was occupied in my thoughts the whole time. Doubts and curiosity about her were overflowing in my mind. I did not know her well but she's my sister. I did not not know her past but she's my family. 

Right. I should trust her. I should know her well. It's not the right time to doubt someone because we were all in danger.


The next day.

I quickly took my bath in my apartment while Madi was in my room. She was also preparing for our work today. Ever since she became an official member, she stayed here in my apartment. Some of her things were also here. I've nothing to do with it because she's my sister. 

"I'm done," she said as I entered the bedroom.

"Okay. I'll be quick."

She went downstairs and waited for me until I was finished. Minutes had passed when I finished preparing. I took my phone from the bed then went out of the bedroom. 

After I closed the door, I glanced at Madi downstairs. She was seriously making text messages on the phone. I looked away as she turned her eyes above her.

I've been observing her since then. Her actions and words were the first thing I needed to observe. Fortunately, there was nothing suspicious after I caught her talking on the phone.

"Let's go," I invited as I went downstairs and stood in the doorway. 

She stood up from the chair and she walked with me up to the association building.

Throughout our walk, no one was saying a word. We were both silent not until when my phone rang. I took it from the pocket and answered the call. 


A terrifying laugh occupied my ears. "You messed up with the wrong person, Ali."

Shit! "Who are you?!" I exclaimed. Another horrible laugh filled my ear.

"You want justice, right?! Then I'll give you real justice!"

The call ended. I turned my widen eyes to Madi and her eyes were also questioning me.

"Who's that?!"

"The manipulator," I answered. I looked back to the phone and rushed myself to call back the number.

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