♕ O N E ♕

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A/n: Lani and Vera are Italian in this book. I know that Cynthia and Amelie aren't that ethnicity in real life—but for the sake of this book I decided to change that.

I'm also not using their real personalities.

Otherwise, Mattia and the boys have their same ethnicity and somewhat the same personalities.

May 16th:

He falls to the floor and I quickly straddle him and pull out my dagger. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you right now?" I say as I run my finger down the sharp blade.

He smirks and flips us over so that he's straddling me now. He pulls out a gun from his pocket and my eyes widen.

"You're not the only one with tricks up your ass," he smiles. I begin to mentally panic.

"How about you give me one reason to not kill you," he says as he snatches the dagger from my hand and holds it up to my throat.

"Cause you caught feelings for me," I say smirking.

He pushes the blade harder and I feel a sting on my neck.

"I don't fall in love with a traitorous bitch," he growls.

"Whatever you say Polibio," I try to agitate him so I can catch his weak spot but he pushes his emotions to the side.

Suddenly, he slaps me.

"You know, I don't think that this is a fair fight—don't ya think?" He says as he tosses the dagger on the other side of the room and holds the gun up to my temple.

"Mhmmm, you shoulda gave me the dagger," I pout.

"How about I make a deal with you?" He says and I cock my head to the side and smile.

Then he does the unexpected, I feel his warm lips on mine.

2 months ago

March 15th:

3rd POV

Vera steps off the escalator and spots Lani standing in the middle of a crowd on her phone. She runs over to her and gives her a big hug.

"Lani—baby! I missed you!" Vera says with a grin.

"I can't believe you're moving in with me!" Lani says ecstatically.

"I knowww! it took me forever to convince my Papa," Vera groans.

"It feels like forever since the last time I saw you..." Lani frowns.

Vera looks at her imaginary watch on her wrist "Sis it's been like a month—you came over to help me pack my stuff?"

The girls burst out laughing

"Okay, let's go home—I want to take a nap," Vera finally says.

Lani takes off running and Vera runs after her.

A couple seconds later, she catches up to her, "I forgot you run track," Vera mutters and Lani gives her a big smile.

"Follow me," Lani says and they both walk to the luggage belt.

Lani freezes and Vera bumps into her.

"What?" Vera asks.

"You- I- VERA LUCA WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" Lani yells.

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