♕ T H I R T Y - T H R E E ♕

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Vera's POV

March 11th:
"Vera, the cars are here!" My Papa shouts.

"Coming!" I say as I close the bathroom door behind me.

I've been throwing up everyday for the past two months and it's beginning to concern me because I'm healthy and throwing up is an indication that something might be wrong.

Two men finish loading up my suitcases by the time I reach the front door and I look around to give my childhood home one last glimpse.

I'm leaving Florida for good. We all decided that me being here wouldn't be safe because I was seen by a couple paparazzi a couple days ago and the public now knows where I am.

"Call me, okay?" Lani yells as I get into a Mercedes.

"I will!" I assure her and the car drives off.

I need to go to Mariano today. I need to see him.


"Uber for Vera?" a car pulls up to the curb.

"Yep, can you pop the trunk?" I ask and the trunk goes up.

The guy gets out of the car and helps me load up my things into car.

"Fun vacation?" He asks as we get inside the car.

"Something like that—hey, do you know the Polibio Mafia?" I ask.

"I don't really follow up on gangs in Jersey but last thing that I knew is that the Capo got into some type of crash—but that was months ago," he says.

Fucking useless.

"Ah okay, thanks," I say and the rest of the car ride was in comfortable silence.

"Here we are! Damn, that's a big house," he says in awe.

"Yea, it's my ex-boyfriends house," I say and his eyebrows raise up.

"Good luck with that," he jokes.

"Right! I haven't seen him since January so I'm not sure what to expect," I say as he helps me unload my suitcases.

"I could come inside with you if you need help with this," he says supportively.

"Nah, I'll be okay. Thank you though!" I say and he smiles.

"Bye Vera," he says as he drives off.

"Bye," I smile and watch his car turn out of the street.

I focus my attention towards the house and I gulp. This is going to be harder than I expected.

I grab my suitcases and I find myself ringing the doorbell.

"Who is it?" A voice yells from the inside.

I ring the doorbell again.

"Jesus Christ, I don't want your stupid cookies!" The voice yells again and I ring the doorbell a third time.

"You have three seconds to leave befo—Vera?" Mariano says as he opens the door.

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