♕ T W E N T Y - E I G H T ♕

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Mariano's POV

January 3rd:
Today's the day of Vera's party and I've been anxious for the past couple of days because I finally got her and her memory is beginning to come back.

I pull up to her house and the driveway is filled with cars, so I end up having to park on the side of the rode.

A couple of the cars look very familiar until I realize that the boys invited TikTokers and gang members.

wHeN wOrLdS cOlLiDe starts playing in my head and I laugh at that audio.

I walk towards the house and see red cups thrown all over the yard and drunk teenagers making out.

I reach the front door and it's already wide open, so I just walk in.

The music is so loud, I can feel the vibrations through the floor.

I scan the living room until I see Vera standing on a sofa drinking from a red cup and we make eye contact.

"Marssss," she slurs as she gets down and walks towards me.

She's drunk.

"Vera! Hey baby—you're drunk already?" I laugh.

"Yea. It's a party right? Let's get you a drink," she grabs my hand and tries leading me to the kitchen.

I resist and she turns around to look at me.

"You're the king of drinking—why aren't you excited to get a drink? Come on Mars!" She persists.

"I don't feel like drinking today," I lie.

The truth is that I've been so anxious about her finding out what I did and I haven't been able to sleep or eat.

She narrows her eyes at me, "Your choice," she shrugs and walks away.


I watch her walk over to Mattia and give him a hug. They both exchange some words and then they walk to the kitchen holding hands.

Anger blooms in me and I want to kill him.

First, he breaks our alliance and now he wants to steal my girl??

"Mar, you're a dumbass. You don't get the girl, then you try to kill the boys, then you fail and take her memory from her, and then you get her, then lose her. A whole mistake is what you are," I grumble to myself.

"Hey Mariano, do you know where Mattia is?" A voice asks from next to me and I turn to look at who it is.

Jenna Hablitz.

"He went off with my girl to the kitchen," I scoff.

"Who's your girl?" She asks and runs a finger down my arm.

"Vera. Vera Luca," I say with no emotion.

"Oh... Wait, they're not dating anymore?" She asks.

"No. She lost her memory and I stole her before he could convince her that they belong together. Why do you ask?" I ramble.

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