♕ T E N ♕

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Vera's POV

"Veraaaaa wake up! We need to go dress shopping for the ball tonight," Lani jumps on my bed and I groan.

Mattia and I made up and we've been somewhat nice to each other now.

"God Vera, you look like shit. Did you even sleep last night?" Lani looks at my face in shock.


"Papa I'm inside the building, find me a place with no cameras, per favore," I say into my airpods. Since we don't have coms due to being over 1,000 miles away from each other, I made a phone call with him and used my airpods as a makeshift com.

"The ball will be held on the third floor of the Casino and there are bathrooms and bedrooms on the fourth floor and none have cameras, so find a spot in the hallways."

"Why can't I place the dagger in a bedroom?"

"Because you have no idea whether the rooms will be occupied by the time you drag him up there."

Since, the first floor was a reception area, I snuck into the stairwell and climbed my way up to the fourth floor. I twisted to handle but it wouldn't budge," I groan.

"Told you it'd be locked," my father says a matter of factly.

"Okay Capo, tell me how to open it because the alarms might go off," I roll my eyes.

"I saw that, but I'm trying to unlock the door remotely,"

I look up at the ceiling and see a camera looking right at me. "Jesus, you're everywhere," I mutter.

"Jesus is—I'm not," he chuckles.

The door beeps twice and I step into the hallway.

"Okay, you see the paintings, just place the knife behind them," Papa says.

"Dagger," I correct him.

"Same thing, just choose a painting and hurry up out of there so you don't get caught,"

"Fanculo," I whisper to myself.

Papa groans," What did you do now?"

"Uhh, I might've forgot to bring the double sided tape so I can tape it to the wall,"

"Are you dumb? I literally told you 'do NOT forget the tape'."

"I know, I'm sorry Papa," I say cringing.

"We need at new plan—ah, you see those plants on the stands next to the elevators?"

"Yea, what about them?"

"wHaT aBoUt ThEm? Vera turn your brain on! Put the dagger into the soil but behind the plant—it makes it easier for you to grab it anyways," Papa mocks me.

"Jeez, I'm sorry," I place the dagger right where he told me to.

"Okay, now take the elevator down to the Casino—grab a drink and get the hell out of there," Papa hangs up and I'm left with my thoughts.

This past month has been the best month of my entire life.

The gang and I and practically the best of friends and Mattia has been the best thing that's ever happened to me.

It's so sad that tomorrow will be the last day of his life—he's been a bitch to me this past month so it's kinda like karma.

I take the elevator down to the Casino, grab a drink, and head out.

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