♕ T W E N T Y - N I N E ♕

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Vera's POV

"Vera stop drinking," Mattia says from next to me and I ignore him.

I bring the half empty bottle of Hennessy towards my lips and he snatches it away before I could take another sip.

"Give it backkk," I slur and swipe at him.

"You're not drinking you're feelings away. What happened?" He asks.

"Mars cheated on me with your ex," I roll my eyes.

"My ex? Jenna? Wait, how do you remember that?" He asks.

"I remembered the conversation I had with her over the phone," I say.

"Oh. I'm sorry that happened to you," he says with a sad tone.

"Yea, can I have my bottle back now?" I swipe for the bottle again and he puts it to the side.

"Come on, we're going to find the boys," he gets up and drags me with him.

"Are we going to find Alejandro?" I ask.

"Yes—and Kairi," he says with a clipped voice.

"I slept with Alejandro like four days ago," I accidentally say and I put my hand over my mouth.

Mattia freezes and turns to look at me.

"You did WHAT?" he yells loudly and I flinch.

"I'm sorry, Vera. Why'd you do that?" He coo's and pulls me into a hug.

"I dunno," I shrug.

"Let's go find him," he says and I pull him.

"Don't hurt him—I promise I won't do it again," I beg and he smiles.

"I'm not beating him up. I'm beating Mariano up and I need to get the boys," he says.

"Ohhhh," I start feeling nauseous and his eyes widen.

Next thing I know, I'm puking into a toilet.

"You drank a lot, let me take you to bed," he eases me up and takes me to my bedroom.

Mattia's POV

After I tuck Vera into her bed, I try to find the boys.

I should be angry with Alejandro right now but I'm not. She's not my Vera yet and she's entitled to her own choices.

"Mattia, have you seen Vera?" Mariano approaches me.

"Why?" I snarl.

"Sorry man, I need to talk to her," he says and his eyes are filled with alarm.

"Talk to my fist, *italian*," I walk up to him and punch his nose up into his head.

I feel the bones shatter under my fist and I flinch from the sharp pain in my knuckles.

He staggers backwards and I take the opportunity to knee him in the crotch and give him a swift punch across his jaw.

He sways and falls onto his back.

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