♕ T H R E E ♕

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"What's your problem Mattia?" Alvaro yells at Mattia.

Mattia just rolled his eyes.

Vera decided to speak for him, "He doesn't like me so I'm leaving—sorry guys, I guess we can't be besties."

Then, she left the room.

Everybody except Mattia raced up the stairs besides Mattia and tried to make her stay.

"He didn't mean it," Alejandro was saying.

"We were so excited to get a new bestie, clearly he's on his period or something," Roshuan also said.

"Please Vera, he's a sweetheart—I just don't know what wrong with him. " Lani begged.

But they did know what was going on.

They realized what was happening but kept their mouths closed—Mattia had a little crush on her and Mattia does shit like this because he doesn't like relationships.

They just had to bear with his behavior until the crush passes.

"Fine, today's an exception. I'll stay only for you guys," Vera gives them a supportive smile and they all engulf her in a hug.

Later that night...

"Uh, guys, my dad wants us to go to work right now!" Mattia says all of a sudden.

Everyone turns to look at Vera and Lani says," Can I miss out for today?It's Vera's first time here,  she shouldn't be left here alone."

Mattia types on his phone and then he sighs, "My dad says that he needs us all."

"I can go home, it's okay," Vera says.

"No, you can stay here, just don't go through my shit," Mattia says sternly and Kairi elbows him.

Go through his shit? The hell does he think I am?

Vera pushes her thoughts aside and gives them a warm smile, "Haha, do you mind if I film a YouTube video here?" She ask.

Mattia shrugs and then they all say their goodbyes and rush out.

Why are they leaving in such a rush?

She decides to film on her phone because she realized that she left her camera at home.

Maybe he has a camera that I can film on...

Vera walks over to the desk that was next to the foot of the bed and opens up the first drawer, she saw a gun sitting in the drawer with a box of 1000 bullets right next to it.

Typical Mafia son—always cocky with his little gun.

She ignores the gun until she sees a camera attached to a stand right next to the box of the bullets.

She picks it up and looks at it for a quick second. "This'll do," she says to herself full of satisfaction.

After setting up the camera, she turns on the ring light and sits in Mattias chair. She presses record.

"Hey guys, welcome back to my channel! So, you guys will be getting an awesome collaboration in my next video so stay tuned in for that," She pulls out her phone.

"A couple people have asked for my to do a que and aay (q&a) so I posted on my twitter for you guys to ask questions and I'm going to do a bunch until Mattia comes back home... Uh, anyways, you probably know whose house I'm at so yea, let's just get started." Vera starts read the first question.

toxic love | mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now