♕ T H I R T Y - T W O ♕

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Vera's POV

February 10th:
"Goodmorning," I say in a sing-song voice as I enter the kitchen.

Lani looks at me and walks out of the room.

I've been living in Florida for about a month now, yet Lani still hasn't tried to communicate with me and I'm fine with that.

"Vera, I need you for something today at the warehouse," my Papa says and I frown.

"I thought you didn't want to mix things up like this?" I ask.

"I know, but a couple of my men are injured and I need someone today—right now."

I sigh as I sit down at the kitchen table and a plate of breakfast gets put in front of me.

"What's in it for me?" I smirk and he raises an eyebrow.

"The assignment is somewhere nice—I'll let you take whatever you want from there," he says and I smile.

Papa never says that something is nice, unless he really likes it...

"I'm in—when are we leaving?" I ask.

He looks at his watch, "It's 11am and we have to be at the place around 1pm, so go get dressed right after you finish breakfast," he says.

"I thought you said we're going to the warehouse?" I ask confused.

"Vera, just please go get dressed," he persists and I finish my breakfast.

"Going right now," I say and I go upstairs to my bedroom.

I finally made up with my Papa. After years of arguments, we finally decided to start over again. It just makes me sad, knowing that he decided to start over because I lost my memory. It just makes me feel like he never cared for me until I almost died.

"Vera," a voice says and I look up from my bed.


"Uh—hey," I say uncertainly.

"Can we talk?" She asks.

I pat the empty spot on the bed next to me and she walks over and takes a seat.

"I'm sorry," her voice breaks and she begins to sob into my shoulder.


"Lani—no—come here," I shift us so she's laying in my lap and I'm stroking her hair as she sobs.

"It's okay, you're okay," I coo.

"I'm *sniff* sorry *sniff* for *sniff* leaving *sniff* you *sniff* and *sniff* the *sniff* boys," she says and stars to sob all over again.

"It's okay—it's okay. You can come back with me," I say and she shakes her head.

"Mattia would kill me on sight. Vera, you think that you know him, but you don't. He's mean and kills without regard—he only cares about you, Kairi, and Ale... That's it," she says.

"What do you mean? Mattia's a softie," I say and she scoffs.

"The Polibio Mafia is Number one in the entire world... He kills whenever and whomever—you wanna know what he did when you guys got into that accident? There was blood on the streets every single day. He would takes trips around the U.S and kill for fun. For fun Vera!" She says in disgust and I feel my stomach flip.

"I have to go—," I get up and run into my bathroom, barely missing the toilet as I throw up the contents in my stomach.

Jesus, this needs to stop. I can't keep throwing up everyday.

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