♕ S I X ♕

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3rd persons POV

Vera runs out of the house, making sure to not slam the front door and runs on the sidewalk until her legs give out and she's breathing like I just ran a marathon.

She pulls out her phone and check the time, it says '1:07 PM'.

"I need to call an Uber," Vera says to herself and then she hears a car pull up behind her.

Her heat drops and she turns around slowly.

They're gonna kill me now.

"You okay?" Kairi yells out from the backseat window.

Vera laughs as she wipes her fake tears, "You all came?"

Mattia rolls down his window, "Get in loser, we're going to your house," he says.

Vera grins, "I smell like straight sweat."

Is he warming up to me?

"Don't worry, we'll air out the car," Lani says and sticks her tongue out.

Vera rolls her eyes and walks over to the passenger seat, and opens the door.

"No, but like I really stink," she says with sincerity.

"Bullshit, you ever smelled a car with six sweaty teenagers in it after soccer practice?" Alvaro says.

That convinces Vera and she takes her seat and closes the door behind her as Mattia drives off.

"Damn you really do stink," Mattia pinches his nose shut.

"I hate you," Vera laughs and pushes him causing the car to jolt a little.

"Aye! Don't kill us now!" Alejandro yelps and the group laughs.

"Do you guys know how far I ran?" Vera asks curiously.

"Bout two miles, give or take—do you run track or something?" Mattia replies.

"Nah, soccer." Vera says.

"You play soccer? Since when?" Lani speaks up.

Vera laughs, "Ever since you left—I knew that you loved soccer so I wanted to do something that brought me closer to you."

Vera hears a collection of 'awe's' and she turns around. "Are you all—what the flip?"

"What?" Mattia asks.

"You have five people sitting in the back all crammed up, and I'm just chillin with this luxury?" She accuses Mattia.

"Nah, don't worry, Lani always sits on top of Kairi and I don't mind sitting in my wife, Roshaun's lap," Alvaro laughs.

"What have I gotten myself into?" Vera fake pouts as they pull up to the mansion.

"Damn, your house is big," Roshaun says in awe.

"They've never been here?!" Vera asks shocked.

"Only me, we usually hang out at Mattia's place cause he's the one with the car," Kairi replies.

"Mattia, shouldn't you have a bigger house though? Like no offense, I thought you're like rich or something," Vera asks as they all walk to the front door.

"I'm buying a house when I become Capo, but my dad wanted to stay here to avoid being suspicious about anything," Mattia says dryly.

"Everyone at school knows you're Capo?" Vera asks ignoring his attitude.

"They know that my dad is Capo, but no one really expects me to be Capo," Mattia replies.

"What do you mean?" Vera asks.

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