♕ N I N E T E E N ♕

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I promise that this is their last move, hehe. I got a bit carried away with making the houses but I really like this one and it's staying that way.

*mwah* ily guys

Mattia's POV

We made it to New Jersey last around 12am.

Poor Vera, she cried herself to sleep three times and for some reason I couldn't comfort her no matter how hard I tried.

She's probably one of the strongest people I've met. Yet, she kept trying to push me away every time I tell her that it's okay to let her feelings out.

As soon as we arrived at our house, she walked in and plopped herself onto the sofa and fell asleep promptly.

I'm currently editing a YouTube video on the sofa across from her...

Mattia Polibio has uploaded a new video!

Click to watch

We Will Miss You

"Fly high Lani, we miss you," a tear slips down Mattias cheek.

*Cuts to a black screen with the words 'Lani Milah White' written in the middle*

"I wanted to make this for my best friend. Lani White was a person that I never knew I always needed in my life. She was the first girl that friendzoned me and stole my bag of Cheetos, then laughed at me because I was crying," Mattia chokes on a laugh.

"If only she could see me now—I'm a whole mess. She'd probably laugh at me again and call me a baby. It was weird having Lani at my house all the time and it was weirder when her and Kairi started dating," Mattia begins to laugh.

"This is my way of coping with her death and the squad might not make a video about this. Lani introduced me to Vera—the first person who's ever taught me the meaning of love, and I never got to thank her for that," Mattia begins to sob.

*switch to next scene*

"Lani was shot and killed by a Mafia leader around 1:15 PM yesterday. He thought that she was someone she wasn't and I wanted to put this information out there, because I didn't want any rumors to come into light and have people disrespect her."

"Lani was loved by so many people and I would pay the world to have one more minute with her."

"I wanted to make this video dedicated to her happy soul and show people our Lani—to show people my best friend," Mattia smiles as a tear rolls down his cheek.

*cut to videos of Lani as a child play and show clips of her growing up*

*cut back to Mattia*

"Vera was on the phone with Kairi when the shooting started and I know that they'll be affected the most—so please give them space and let them grieve. I will be taking a break from my main social media for a little bit just to spend time with her family and my friends."

"This video will be posted tomorrow morning at 9am Eastern Time which will also be the day of her funeral," he painfully smiles.

"Fly high Lani, we miss you," a tear slips down Mattias cheek.

*video ends and shows his name and picture with his socials on the side*

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