♕ T H I R T Y - S E V E N ♕

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Vera's POV

I can't breathe. I can't feel my baby kicking. I can barely hear shit over the pain in my stomach.

"Shit, shit, FUCK!" Mariano yells.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HER!?" A voice yells and then three gunshots rings out. Mariano's body drops next to me, lifeless and soul barren.

I gasp.

"Vera you're gonna be okay—fuck Vera stay with me!" Mattia applies pressure on my gunshot wounds and I groan in pain. Tears escape my eyes and I begin to black out.

"NO PLEASE STAY WITH ME—I CAN'T LOSE YOU AND THE BABY PL—" Mattia is yelling and I slip unconscious.

Mattia's POV

The boys and I stole the money back and we were running down the halls looking for Vera, until Kairi suggests the penthouse.

We both take the stairs up there and as we swing the door open, we hear Mariano cursing and Vera is on the floor with blood pooling around her.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HER!?" Kairi yells out as he pulls out his gun and shoots Mariano in the head.

Mariano drops next to Vera as his blood and her blood mix.

I run over to my baby and I cradle her head and her eyes are staring at me in shock.

"Vera you're gonna be okay—fuck Vera stay with me!" I yell as I apply pressure on her wounds and she groans in pain as her eyes start to flutter closed.

"NO PLEASE STAY WITH ME—I CAN'T LOSE YOU AND THE BABY PLEASE I LOVE YOU!" Tears blur my vision as her face goes ale and lifeless.

"No! Vera! Dammit Kairi call the fucking cops!" I yell and Kairi is in a daze.

Fuck shit fuck fuck

I pull out my phone and I dial 9-1-1. The phone rings for a second and a woman picks up.

"9-1-1, what is your emergency?" She asks.

"Send an ambulance over please! My pregnant girlfriend just got shot in her stomach three times!" I yell into the phone as I cry.

"Sir, where are you located?" She asks as I hear a keyboard clacking.

"I don't know—um, Mariano Castano's casino—do you know where that is?!" I ask and more keyboard clacking.

"We have an ambulance and police on the way—is anyone else hurt?" She asks.

"No—please hurry!" I plead and she assures me that everything will be okay.

"Is she unconscious?" The woman asks.

"Yes—I walked in as she was getting shot and Kairi sh—shit, I mean Kairi and I ran over to her and her eyes for open for a couple seconds and then she went unconscious," I say in a calm voice.

"Okay, can you check if she's breathing and that her heart is beating?" The woman asks.

"Yea," I say breathless as I place two fingers on the side of Vera's throat and I feel a faint pulse. I see her chest rising rapidly and I let out a breath of air.

"She's alive for now," I say breathing out a relieved breath.

"Okay, Mattia, I'm going to hang up now, but if you need anything, call back, alright?" She assures.

"Please fucking hurry," I plead as I throw my phone across the room.

Less than three minutes later, the ambulance arrived and the paramedics rolled a gurney into the penthouse.

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