♕ E L E V E N ♕

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Mattia's POV

God, she's gorgeous. Her dress was so tight and revealing... The things I'd do-

"You look good ma," I tell her.

"Mhm same for you," She winks at me, yet everything seems so forced.

"Mattia, we all wanted to let you know that we're so proud of you and we love you so much," Lani says from the backseat.

I don't say anything.

Today's the most important day of my life yet it seems so off—I'm hoping that Vera isn't planning to kill me tonight.

"You guys don't have any weapons, right?" I say.

I saw Vera flinch a bit and I assumed that she's scared that anything is going to happen to her.

She's not gonna kill you... She's just anxious...

"Nah, zero weapons—are we going to pick up Alvaro and Roshaun?" Alejandro asks.

"No, they texted the group chat saying that they're going to meet us there," Kairi replies.

Good, okay. It gives me more time to rehearse my speech and whatnot.

Alejandro's POV

Something seems off about Vera—it's as if she doesn't want to come or be Mattia's date or something.

I nudge Lani a little bit. "What?" she hisses.

"Pipe down, what's wrong with Vera?" I whisper.

"I don't know, maybe she's nervous..." Lani trails off.

Maybe she's nervous—stop worrying Ale! She's not your girl so it's not your problem.

"Hey Ale, why don't you have a girlfriend?" Vera interrupts my thoughts.

"Why don't you have a boyfriend?" I retort and flash her my infamous smile.

"Good point," she turns around and goes on her phone.

Seconds later, my phone dings and it's a text from Vera.

aloe vera

im nervous


why? don't be

aloe vera

idk... something feels so off about tonight.


you're just anxious. you'll be okay

aloe vera

i hope so...

"Told you she's just nervous," Lani says peeking over my shoulder.

"Yea, I guess," I close my phone and put my head on the window.

Vera's POV

My father taught me how to fight.

At the age of five, he taught me how to shoot a gun. At the age of seven, I mastered ten different styles of fighting. And at the age of fourteen, I killed my first person.

So I could say that I'm built for this life. Yet, it feels foreign and I don't want to do it. He's just a normal kid who's supposed to be Capo and I'm supposed to kill him. But, why am I hesitating?

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