♕ S E V E N ♕

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"Guys, we have school tomorrow," Vera said.

It was around 10pm and no one made a move to go home.

"Hello? Fine, get off my bed," Vera pushes everyone including Lani off of her bed and onto the carpet.

"Vera, you didn't have to push me off, I freaking live here," Lani groans.

"Are you guys going home or not? I need to know if we're just going to have one big sleepover," Vera asks again.

"My dad thinks that I'm at Kai's house and his mom knows that he's here so I'm staying here," Mattia says.

"My mom said that I can stay here with the boys," Alvaro says.

"Same," Roshaun adds.

"I guess we're all staying here," Alejandro slowly grabs a pillow and whacks Veras head with it.

"Ale my hair!" Vera drags the 'r' and tackles Ale.

Everyone pulls out their phones and records them as they play fight.

Alejandro ends up pinning Vera on her bed and she taps him three times to let him know that she's out.

"Couldn't handle the pain?" Ale smirks.

"No, you dumb-ass, you just weigh so much. I thought my lung collapsed for a second," Vera smirks.

"Ha, you're so funny. See, the whole squad is laughing," Ale mocks her. Vera pushes him off the bed and everyone is dying of laughter.

"You guys hungry? I wanna order some food," Vera changes the topic.

"Or we could just drive and take some pictures," Lani suggests.

"I haven't posted on my main for a hot minute and people are starting to unfollow me so I need some pictures," Kairi says.

Lani and Vera get changed in their own closets and they head downstairs with the boys.

"We're going through the garage because the car is there," Lani says.

"You're driving?" the boys complain.

"What's wrong with her driving?" Vera asks as they step into the garage.

"What's wrong with her driving?" Vera asks as they step into the garage

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"Oh, you just wait and see," Mattia smirks.

Lani grabs a key remote from a hook stand filled with about ten other keys and unlocks her car of choice by pressing a button.

A Cadillac beeps from the row of Luxury cars and all the boys groan.

"Please don't run over a bunny again," Kairi says as they're walking towards the car.

"A bunny? Lani White, you ran over a bunny?!" Vera half-yells.

Lani gives her a half smile and Vera snatches the keys from Lani.

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