♕ T W E N T Y - T W O ♕

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(some of you might've already read this but i changed most of it and added more on the bottom so reread it please)

Vera's POV

I arrive at the club around 10 PM and I call up Mariano.

I'm wearing a short white dress.

BTW this is how I imagine her body to look like

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BTW this is how I imagine her body to look like.



Hey Mars—I'm here

Alright I'll have them let you inside—did you and Mattia make up?


Ayee, that's my bestie!

Alright bye retard

He hangs up and I walk inside the club and head towards the VIP room. The guard sees me and immediately opens the door for me.

I walk inside the room and the smell of weed immediately hits me and I get dizzy for a second.

I. Hate. Weed.

I scan the room until I see Mars sitting on a sofa with a couple guys around him. I walk over to them and take a seat next to him.

He passes me a blunt and I shake my head.

"She for sale?" A voice says across from me.

I frown and look up. It's a boy no older than 18.

"I'm sorry WHAT?" I look at him.

"So, you're not for sale?" He shrugs.

"Sebastian, this is Vera Luca," Mariano says slowly.

Sebastian's eyes widen, "I'm so sorry—I didn't know that."

I'm not bothered by the fact that he asked if I was for sale. I'm bothered by the fact that these boys are pimping out different girls for their own fun.

I'm beyond disgusted.

I turn to Mariano, "You pimp girls out?" I almost punch him in the face.

He shrugs, "Occasionally."

"Mars that's fucking disgusting—what the hell?!" I feel as if I'm going to gag.

"That's what we do in this line of work," Mariano raises an eyebrow at me.

"I'll bet that your dad fell in love with your mom after he pi—," he says, and I interrupt.

"No. My mother has morals and she doesn't do that typa shit," I glare.

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