♕ F I V E ♕

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At the warehouse

I parked the car in the parking lot and everyone except me grabbed two boxes, and we headed inside.

"I heard that you shot Taniyah—good job kids," my dad says from his office on the side.

"We got your boxes," I say.

"Take them home, your mom wants them," my dad replies.

I look at my gang and we all frown. "Papa, with all due respect, we all just risked our lives for what? i thought this was important," I say.

He laughs, "Mattia, I have my reasons, you'll be Capo soon enough," he retorts.

"What about us?" Lani jumps in.

Damn, she's feisty.

My dad sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, "You all did well, Mattia can place you as his right hand men when it's time," he finally says.

The squad high fives and I say, "Can you guys step out for a second? I need to talk to my dad." they all nodded and headed to the car.

"I met this new girl today—she's Lani's best friend and I'm thinking about welcoming her into the group, but then she'll know about the gang," I say frustrated.

My dad raises his eyebrows, "This is going to be up to you to determine this, but make sure that she proves her loyalty before you tell her," he says and gets up.

"How can she prove her loyalty?" I ask confused.

"Arrange a set up and see if she tries to snitch—we can talk about this later, but I have to go take care of a job gone wrong," my dad leaves the room and I'm left with my thoughts.

"Love you too?" I mutter to myself and head to the car.

Once I get in the car Kairi says," What happened?"

"Nothing, Capo business," I reply.

"Mattia, we're your best friends, okay? Just cause we work for you, doesn't mean that we don't think of you as that crazy, funny guy we know," Lani says.

The boys nod in agreement with her statement. "We can go over what I talked about when we get home, okay?"

I heard different versions of "yes," and I started the car.

Back to the present 3rd person POV

Vera wakes up to the sound of a toilet flushing. She sits up and looks around the room.

She sees Kairi and Lani cuddled together at the foot of the bed. Mattia is sleeping a couple inches away from her, and Alvaro and Roshaun are sleeping on the pull out sofa.

"That leaves—" Vera begins to mumble.

"You're up early," Alejandro says as he walks out of the bathroom.

Now's my chance to act innocent and get on the inside.

"Heard the toilet—hey, can I talk to you about something?" Vera says.

"Yea what's up?" He sits in front of Vera and they both sit cross legged.

"So, I lied to Mattia yesterday..." Vera begins.

"About?" He asks confused.

"The camera was in his drawer and I saw the gun and the bullets," Vera says.

His eyebrows go up, "What are you gonna do?" He asks.

"Nothing, I just don't understand how his parents never found it," Vera laughs.

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