♕ T H I R T Y - S I X ♕

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Vera's POV

May 10th:
"Baby wake up," a voice sounds over my head.

"Mmh?" I mumble slowly opening my eyes. 

"We need to go meet my parents today," Mattia says as he rubs my forearm.

"Noooo," I groan and stretch my arms. 

"Babes, I'm sorry but we really need to go see them. My dad fucked up something a couple days ago and he needs my help to fix it—our help," he says trying to pout.

"You're fucking ugly, you know that?" I giggle and his eyes widen.

He picks me up bridal style and walks out of the room.

"Mattiaaaaa!" I shout and he starts laughing. 

He runs down the stairs with my still in his arms and I feel my baby kick.

"Ugh," I say sharply and he freezes on the last step.

"What happened?" He asks shakily and I smile.

"The baby kicked," I smile and a big smile begins to form on his face. 

"Boy or girl, you think?" He asks.

"Boy," I say surely and he laughs. 

"Fifty bucks it's a girl," he nuzzles his head into the crook of my neck.

"Hundred it's a boy," I raise my eyebrows and giggle.

"Uh, uh," he dismisses what I said and walks to the kitchen with me still in his arms.

"We ready Boss?" Alejandro asks as he takes a bite out of an apple and Mattia shakes his head.

"Vera needs to get dressed and we'll be ready to go," Mattia says affirmatively as I get out of his hold. 

An hour later, I'm all dressed and I'm sitting in the Cadillac scrolling through TikTok, when Mattia knocks on the window. 

I roll it down and he raises his eyebrows.

"You're not driving," he says and I shake my head. 

"You and Kairi are always driving me around everywhere and I want to feel independent," I pout. 

Mattia shakes his head and Kairi cocks his head in amusement.

"You're not driving, period," Mattia says and raises an eyebrow. 

"Yea okay," I say and I roll the window back up and lock the doors. 

I turn up my music and drown out all sounds.

"Veraaaaa!" I hear very faintly and I turn to Mattia and he's fake pouting.

I laugh and roll the window an inch. "We're going to be late if you don't get inside, and I'm blaming it on you," I say. 

"Fine," he says and I unlock the car doors. 

Mattia walks over to the passenger seat and Kairi gets in the backseat. 

"Where are we going ladies?" I giggle and Mattia grunts.

"I can't hear you, speak up," I tease and Mattia groans.

"Is my driving really thattt bad?" I laugh and Kairi nods.

I frown. They'll be in for a ride on the way there. 

"Here's my phone, princesa," Mattia says and hands me his phone with Apple Maps already set to our coordinates. 

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