♕ T H I R T Y - F O U R ♕

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Vera's POV

March 11th:


The word started at me and laughed in my face.

"Look at me," Mariano says and I look at him with tears in my eyes.

"Mars, I'm pregnant," I say in disbelief and my knees give out.

He catches me and takes me to his bed.

"Breathe Vera... Breathe," he soothes and yells for someone to get me a cup of water.

I begin hyperventilating and his eyes widen.

A cup of water gets handed to him by his maid and he lifts my head up as I take a couple sips.

The cold water travels down my throat and I try to relax.

"You're going to be okay—I'm here for you," he says and I nod.

"We need to confirm with a doctor—I'll set up an appointment for tomorrow, okay?" He assured me and I agree.

"Which doctor?" I ask.

"Sebastian got a girl preggo and they go to this OB in downtown so I'll get you an appointment there," he says and I agree.

"Vera, I'm going to raise our child together. I'm not ever going to hurt you again," he smiles and my stomach does a flip.

A bad flip...

Something is off about Mars and I can't put my finger on it yet.

March 12th:
"Congratulations Vera, you're eight weeks pregnant," the OBGYN says as she wipes off the sticky gel from my stomach.

"Eight weeks? That's like—," I begin to say.

"Two months," Mars says.

"You'll be nine weeks on the 15th," she adds and I feel as if I'm going to faint.

"Oh my god," I say as realization dawns on me.

"What? What's wrong?" Mars says startled.

"I'll tell you when we get home," I say and he kisses my forehead.

The doctor hands us a row of film filled with images of my child and tells us that the baby is healthy and to schedule another appointment when we leave the room.

Mars thanks her and I hop off the chair and zip up my jeans.

"What'd you wanna tell me?" Mariano asks as we get into the car.

"I had sex with Alejandro and Mattia in less than a week," I say as I look into my hands.

"Oh... That's okay, that's okay. I already told you that the baby is mine so we don't have to worry about them," he grabs one of my hands.

"I- Mars, that doesn't make sense," I try to reason with him.

"The baby is mine! Does that not make you happy?!" He raises his voice and I flinch.

"I'm sorry," I whisper.

"Good. Are you hungry?" He asks.

"Yea. Can I get Chick-Fil-A?" I ask.

"Anything for my babies," he smiles and starts driving.

A tear trails down my face and I quickly wipe it away.

He didn't mean to yell... It was an accident...


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