♕ T W E N T Y - O N E ♕

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Vera's POV

"Hey, Kairi—can you tell Mattia that I'm going to be back home late," I tell Kairi as we're all eating breakfast at the dining table.

"Again with this? I already apologized to you!" Mattia grumbles.

"Why are you mad at him, again?" Kairi asks.

"Cause he said some unforgivable things that I would like to keep under wraps," I give him a big smile.

"Where are you going?" Alejandro asks.

"I asked Mariano to sell my house and then give me the cash for it and he sold it, so I'm looking for a house now," I lie.

Mattia drops his fork onto his plate.

"You're not moving out," he narrows his eyes at me.

"Why not?" I tease.

"Cause I said so," he says and I raise an eyebrow.

"You're delusional," I laugh and leave the room.

I'm not actually going to move out. I asked Mariano if he could take me with him and do a job together, so we're going around the casinos to get his payments.

It's been a week since Lani's funeral and a week since I spoke a single word to Mattia.

We've all been grieving in our own ways, which means parties and girls for them, but Mariano for me.

Mariano and I haven't done anything, but he's always talking to me and letting me tell him how I feel and he's been helping with losing Lani.

The boys are always either high, drunk, or hungover—which gives me zero time to hang out with them.

I'm walking into the living room when a pair of hands grab me and pin me to the wall.

I look at Mattia.

"I'm not gonna fight back," I roll my eyes.

He brings his face really close and his nose is almost touching mine.

"You're not moving out," he says in a firm tone.

An idea pops in my head and I smile at the thought.

"And whyyy not?" I ask.

"Where are you going to go if you move out?" He raises an eyebrow.

I pretend to think, "Well, I have a couple million from my house and—oh Mariano would let me live with him."

Mattia lets go of me and walks away.

"You have a wonderful day too!" I yell enthusiastically and go up the stairs.

About an hour later, I'm dressed and I'm walking downstairs.

About an hour later, I'm dressed and I'm walking downstairs

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