♕ F O U R T E E N ♕

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Veras office room:

Veras office room:

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The warehouse:

A knock sounds on my door and Lucas walks inside

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A knock sounds on my door and Lucas walks inside.

"Hey Boss," he grins and closes the door behind him.

It's been about a week since I saw Mattia and I've made extra efforts to track him down. Lucas started being distant with me ever since that day but I didn't care—my only objective is to lead and find Mattia.

"What do you have for me today?" I ask him uninterested.

"A lead. We think we found their warehouse," Lucas begins.

"Why would they have a warehouse in Florida? This state is my territory and they still want to be here..." I think out loud.

"That's the thing—it's a brand new warehouse. We're thinking that they might be transferring here from New Jersey," Lucas says.

"Something is going on—clearly he wants to send a message or something," I continue to think out loud.

"Or maybe it's not Mattia—like maybe his father is down here because he wants to kill you," Lucas suggests.

"And maybe you're a dumbass Lucas. Either way, I'm going to find out tonight. Send me the address and I'll go investigate tonight," I say.

"You don't have to go by yourself."

"I want to—get out Lucas," I get up and leave the room and he follows behind me.

Later that night...

I never told anyone, but I've been texting Mattia once a month for the past three months. He finally replied to me last week and I haven't been stable.

 He finally replied to me last week and I haven't been stable

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toxic love | mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now