♕ F O U R ♕

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"Nice hoodie," Mattia rolls his eyes after Vera pressed upload to her video.

"Thanks, a guy was mean to me so I decided to steal his clothes," she smiles and winks.

"Damn bro, she really got you there," Alvaro said from the sofa right next to the desk.

"Fuck you Alvaro—that's why you're short," Mattia rolls at him.

"Alvaro, you're adorable—don't listen to big boy Mattia," Lani says from next to him.

"Thanks for letting me use your computer, I really needed to upload," Vera says to Mattia with all sincerity.

He nods at her and Vera yawns.

"Are we going home or sleeping here?" Vera asks.

"I texted my mom earlier and she said that we can sleep here—you don't mind, right?" Lani replies.

"Nope, Let me just go take my makeup and shoes off," Vera smiles sweetly and goes to the bathroom.

20 minutes later...

I could just kill him right now... Right here... Then I can finally become Donna and start leading.

She was about to walk out when she heard everyone whispering.

She opened the door just a crack and put her ear to listen.

"I told you that we're not going to tell her about this!" Lani says in a loud whisper.

"I'm about to be Capo, either she never joins the group or we tell her and it's up to her to join," Mattia replies.

I could join their Mafia and then kill them all from the inside...

"Boss, she's my bestie and I don't want to see her getting hurt—did you ask your dad about telling her?" Lani continues.

"Yea, what she asked," Kairi added in.

Mattia sighs, "Yes, he said that I make the shots now but he advised me not to tell her until she proves herself to be loyal."

"How can she prove herself if she doesn't know about us?" Alejandro asks with confusion laced in his tone.

"She saw my gun—" Mattia begins.

"Your gun?! How?" Roshaun whisper yells.

"I left my camera in my top drawer right next to the gun... I'm a hundred percent sure," Mattia says.

"Are you sure, sure?" Lani asks.

"I checked my parents surveillance feed—remember they put a camera in here? I saw her open the drawer and she just kinda stared at it and just pulled out the camera and started filming. It's as if she didn't care about it or something," He said.

Shit, I didn't see the surveillance camera. I can't kill him here...

"Let's talk it through later—okay?" Lani says.

Vera takes that as her chance to come out of the bathroom. "Why do you guys look so serious?" She jokes and attempts to act like she didn't hear them.

"Talking about work, his dad might hire someone new to work with us and we just want to make sure that they're a good match for us," Lani smiled.

Vera yawns again, "Goodluck with that—I'm gonna sleep now, okay?"

Everyone nods and she gets under the covers and falls asleep immediately.

Mattias POV from when they left the house:

"Mattia what happened? It's literally twelve AM," Kairi says as we get into the car.

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