♕ T W E N T Y - F O U R ♕

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Mattia's POV

"Hey Mattia, you said my last name is Luca, right?" Vera walks into my office room and looks around.

I sigh and look away from my computer, "Still haven't remembered anything?" I ask.

She shakes her head no.

I don't understand. It's been a week and she still doesn't remember anything...

"I'm sorry. I know that the Vera you know probably misses you but I have no idea who I am and what any of this Mafia stuff is," she frowns.

"It's not your fault," I say and she exits the room.

Vera's POV

I do remember something. I remember being tied up and the boys around me smiling and Alejandro saying that I'm worthless or something.

I'm too scared to tell them because I'm probably being kidnapped right now and they probably drugged me or something.

I go to the kitchen and grab a snack and I see Kairi walk in.

"Did you guys ever kidnap me?" I ask Kairi and he flinches.

"Yea... Did you remember that?" He asks.

I nod.

"We kidnapped you for like three hours or something and then you went back home—that was the week that you killed Lucas," he laughs at that thought.

I killed someone?!

"So I'm here based on free will?" I ask and he nods.

"You're kind of hiding from your dad right now cause he's trying to kill you...." Kairi trails off and he looks a bit off.

"My dad is trying to kill me?!" A chill runs through my body and I feel a tinge of sadness.

"Yea... He uh- he killed my girlfriend—you're best friend," he looks at the floor.

"Lani, right?" I ask confused on how I know her name.

"Yea—wait how do you know her name?" He frowns.

"I'm not really sure... Did me and you ever sleep together?" I ask him.

He raises an eyebrow, "No, why do you think that?"

"I remember sleeping with you," I persist.

"Vera, I did not sleep with you," he laughs.

"Yea you did, and Mattia proposed to me and—oh I have a son named Marco—," I explain and Alejandro walks in the room and cuts me off.

"If you had a son with Mattia, we would've told you," he says.

"I don't understand..." I say.

"Maybe it was a dream while you were in your coma?" Kairi suggests.

"Maybe..." I say and leave the kitchen.

Mariano's POV

"I heard that she woke up," Sebastian says.

I look up from my phone, "I never meant to hurt her. I just wanted to kill that son of a bitch, Mattia."

"Yea, well she hasn't regained any memory so you could start over with her," he takes a drink of his scotch.

"Maybe..." I think about my love for her and I smile.

I'll make her fall in love with me. I will marry Vera Luca one day.

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