♕ N I N E ♕

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Vera's POV

"Vera, wake your ass up or else we're going to be late," a voice says from over my head.

I groan in frustration and I slowly get out of bed and head to the bathroom so I can get ready for my day.

"What time is it?" I say groggily.

"Six thirty," the voice says and I turn around to look at the person.

I see the boys sprawled out on the floor with blankets covering them and the person who woke me up was Lani.

"Why do we have to wake up early?" I whine.

"Cause they literally take ten minutes to get dressed—you take an hour," she laughs.

I roll my eyes.

"Wake them up at seven," she says and then walks out of the room.

Everyone is dressed and ready to leave by 7:30 AM.

Vera's fit:

"Vera, please drive!" Kairi begs

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"Vera, please drive!" Kairi begs.

Lani smacks him upside the head and we all get a good laugh.

I get into the drivers seat and Mattia gives me the coordinates there.

"I'll take Vera to the office so she can get her schedule, okay?" Mattia says as we reach the school parking lot.

"That's a first," I say shocked and he shoots me a smile.

We get inside and arrive at the office at exactly 8 AM.

Mattia walks over to the receptionaist and explains to her that I'm a new transfer and need my new schedule.

She goes over to a couple of folders and pulls out a schedule which I assume is mines and Mattia hands it to me.

As we walk out of the office, he says, "Do you have any decent outfits?"

I stop in my tracks.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"You shouldn't dress so..... You know? Revealing..." he says.

I blink a couple times and make sure that I'm actually hearing what he's saying.

"I don't want to talk to you," I finally say and walk away from him.

"You can't navigate here without me," he says as he jogs over to me.

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