♕ E I G H T E E N ♕

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Mattia's POV

I don't know what I just did. I think I just completely broke our friendship.

I didn't realize that the whore of a Jenna would go call Vera.

God, she was so mad when she slammed that door.

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i can hear you crying from my bedroom

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i can hear you crying from my bedroom... pls open the door

Liked by aloevera, alejandrosario, and 20,961 others

@jennahablitz: baby where are you? i miss you 🥺
         |@polybioh: i live with vera. leave. us. alone. bruh

@usera: YOU LIVE WITH VERA? where?????

@aloevera: i'm not crying. i'm watching a movie 🤡
          |@polybioh: i heard you say 'i hate you mattia'... clearly that's not the movie

@alejandrosario: you're screwed man
          |@polybioh: big time 😩

@kairicosentino: mattia! you didn't tell her?! call me.
          |@milahni: i'm gonna hurt him 😐
          |@polybioh: i'll call all of you, hold on.

@userw: you should break up with Jenna
         |@aloevera: he won't. he always goes running to girls like a dog. 💀

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That post didn't make me feel any better. I know tiktokroom is gonna have a blast posting our business for everyone to see.

I decide to break up with Jenna so I can somehow ease the rumors.

I press her contact name and the phone rings.

She picks up on the second ring.

"Mattia, I don't underst-," she begins, but I cut her off.

"We're over—we're done, Jenna," I say.

"Why? Are you scared of her? Did she kidnap you?" Jenna asks.

"No.. I just don't want you anymore," I shrug even though she can't see me.

"Listen, we can talk abou-," I cut her off again.

"No. There's nothing to talk about. I. Don't. Love. You," I say slowly as the words sink into me.

Do I love her? No. But for some reason, it's like I need her in my life, no matter how toxic she is.

I decide to end things for good.

"Jenna, I only wanted you for sex and I used all that I wanted," I lie.

toxic love | mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now