♕ T W E N T Y ♕

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Kairi's POV

I always knew that one day Lani and I would be separated. I just didn't expect for that day to be yesterday.

It's too painful to grieve, and looking at Vera unlocked very violent thoughts. I know that she couldn't control what her father did, but her father killed Lani.

I feel as if Vera's going to spring up on us one day and try to kill us—kill Mattia again.

She'd never do that...

I try my hardest to push the thoughts deep down into the abyss of thoughts.

This hurts harder than when Celia cheated on me.

Right now, the four of us are sitting inside the Limo being driven to the funeral site and I want to yell at the driver to turn around and take us home.

Watching Lani die in front of my eyes literally killed me. I watched her mouth 'I love you' as she took her last breath.

If only I said it back... It was too late...

"Kairi, you okay?" Vera whispers softly from across the Limo.

Mattia looks up from beside her and Ale looks at me from beside me.

I nod.

"She told me to look out for you guys, and I'm honoring her wish," Vera says to us.

"You can grieve wit—," Mattia begins to say but Vera interrupts him.

"Mattia, I'm okay. Today's all about you guys and I want to make sure that you guys don't spiral out of control," she says.

"sPiRaL oUt Of CoNtRoL, we're not children," Alejandro scoffs.

I'm shocked by his words—he's supposed to be the nice one.

"I'm here for you—that's all," Vera says quietly and retreats into her thoughts.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it," Alejandro sighs.

"Everyone has different ways of grieving, Ale. I'm okay," she smiles.


We arrive at the graveyard and we go to greet her parents and give them our condolences.

We saw Alvaro and Roshaun waiting for us at the entrance.

The boys and I hugged Lani's parents and talked to them for a little bit then waited for Vera to give her condolences.

As soon as they saw her, their faces switched through a bunch emotions.

I saw Vera hesitate, but then she went in to hug Lana (Lani's mom just incase you forgot) and Lana accepted it.

I smile.

At least they don't blame Vera—that would be catastrophical.

Her parents decided to not have a traditional funeral service for her so they just had everyone attend the burial site and watch her get buried.

Vera's POV

The funeral service was probably the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

We all watched Lani's casket get lowered down into her grave and then watched them seal it off by piling the dirt.

I shudder at the thought of me dying.

I expected her parents to make a scene and not want me there but they welcomed me and let me stay.

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