Chapter 12-Panicking

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Kylie's P.O.V

As I slowly opened my eyes a smile crept to my face as I was only inches away from Justin. I slowly got out of bed and went to have a shower.

I turned on the water waiting for it to heat and stripped out of my clothes , I got in the shower letting the hot water wash the tiredness away.

I closed my eyes thinking about yesterday , Why was my friends so surprised that I'm going out with Justin? The weird thing is that they tried so hard to persuade me to move on and have a fresh start. So , Why are they-

I was cut from my train of thoughts when the door knob turned and a sleepy Justin walked in.

His hair was in every direction and his eyes were tired , he washed his face and looked in the mirror. A smirk made its way to his face , That's when I knew that he finally recognised my presence.

He turned around and walked to me "Justin , get out" I said while crossing my arms , trying to hide my bare chest.

He licked his lips "Nah , I'm good" he said and started to take his clothes off...well more like his sweatpants and boxers as he sleeps shirtless-Wait his BOXERS?

"Justin , get out" I yelled while closing my eyes and he just chuckled.

I felt a pair of big arms wrap around my waist and hot breath fanning my neck , making me shiver.

Suddenly his arms moved from around my waist and I let out a groan of disappointment , he chuckled and I just glared at him.

He put some shampoo in his hands and started to wash my hair , I closed my eyes as butterflies erupted through my stomach.

When he stopped , I turned around finding him giving me his back.

"My turn" he said in a very cute way , I couldn't help but giggle at how cute he was right now.

After I washed his hair and he started washing my body especially my breasts and me yelling at him and him not giving me a shit and rolling his eyes. We finally finished our shower.

I walked out of the shower and took a towel , Justin snatched it right out of my hands and dried himself and wrapped it around his waist.

I glared at him and he just grinned at me like the fool that he is , I took another towel and dried myself then wrapped the towel around my body.

I went outside of the bathroom , walked to my closet with Justin trailing behind me. I opened the closet and was looking for something to wear when I felt Justin's breath fanning on my neck that made me shiver.

He started kissing my neck and when he found my sweet spot , I couldn't help but let a moan escape my lips.

He removed the towel that was wrapped around my body and threw it away , then started kissing all over my body and trailed to my mouth and I opened my mouth letting his tongue slip inside my mouth. As he started to explore my mouth with his tongue and the kiss deepened , the door bell rang.

We ignored it but, it rang again "Justin , get off me" I said as I pushed him off me , He groaned in frustration and moved away.

I quickly put on some purple thong matching a purple bra and a light pink dress. I slipped in some white flats and threw my hair in a messy bun , as I had no time to comb it.

I ran downstairs leaving Justin wearing his clothes while cursing under his breath , thinking that I didn't hear him.

I actually only took three minutes to change that's quite a record for someone who chooses their outfit in thirty minutes.

I opened the door to reveal someone that I would've never thought to be standing on my doorstep.

Shocked would be an understatement to how I feel right now...

Justin's P.O.V

After Kylie went downstairs to open the door , I wore some sweatpants and a white v-neck shirt. I was going downstairs to see who disturbed me and Kylie but, my phone rang.

"Hey , bizzle" Alright I didn't need to look at the caller ID to know who's voice that is.

"Chaz , How ya doing man?" I asked while smiling , I really haven't seen him or Ryan since last month.

"I missed ya so much but, it seems that you've been quite busy" he said and I can say that he was smirking , I didn't have to see him to know. This is Chaz we're talking about.

"Yeah ,I had alot of work to do" I said while sitting on Kylie's bed.

"Yeah , quite a hot work" he said while chuckling a little , I frowned my eyebrows In confusion.

"What are ya talking about? " I asked him.

"Selena. I can't believe you didn't tell me you were a thing man , I thought I was your best friend" he said.

Alright the last time I checked I wasn't going out with Selena and I'm pretty sure I asked Kylie out. What is he talking about?

"What the hell are you talking about? We're not going out , I don't even like her" I said in total confusion.

"Well , I don't think making out with her means that you don't like her" he said in a duh-tone kind of way.

"How did you know that? " I asked him , I'm sure as hell that I didn't tell him anything about making out with Selena , Hell I didn't tell anybody.

"Man , Everyone knows" he said while chuckling.

"How did they know? " I asked starting to panic.

"Media , they video tapped it and it's everywhere now" he said , I hanged up on him and went on YouTube and searched about me making out with Selena.

I found alot of videos and clicked on the first one.

I watched it and I was really shocked, I started to panic. How did Kylie not know about this? I mean Chaz lives in Canada and he knew.

Scratch that , the whole world knows.

I heard the door knob turn , Kylie entered walking to me so , I quickly closed the screen.

My heart was racing as fast as a Ferrari in a drag race , I was so scared she'd find out...

So, what do ya think will happen? Will Kylie find out? Will Justin find out that she already knows? What will be the reaction of both of them?
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Bye luvies ;)
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