Chapter 30-I Love You , New York!

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Kylie's P.O.V

We went back to my place and packed my suitcases, I actually packed about two big suitcases and two small ones. The big ones for my clothes and the small ones for my makeup ,stilettos, flats and supras. I know I'm only going for two months but, What can I say? I'm a girl.

I've been checking my phone for like every five seconds for any received calls or messages. But, I was disappointed when there was no messages or phone calls from Justin. I guess Cynthia noticed and that's why she snatched my phone from me. Claire on the other hand thought that it'd be great to have a girls night before I go to New York tomorrow.

And by girls night , I mean watching chick flick movies while eating all the junk in my fridge. We watched 'mean girls' , I know it's old but, I still love it. And we also ordered pizza , We went to sleep at about 9:00 pm. I really needed to get up early tomorrow.

The next morning, I woke up with Claire shaking me "Wake up, Wake up, wake up" she shouted "You're gonna be late for your plane , Ky" Cynthia shouted , I immediately jumped from my bed and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower then I changed in my denim shorts with blue crop top. I applied light makeup and threw my hair in a messy bun. I wore my blue supras and took my headphones, Ipod and my phone which was disappointingly had no messages or phone calls.

I put my things in my Chanel cross bag and ran downstairs to find my whole friends here "You're finally awake" Chaz said dramatically "Where's Justin? " I asked with sadness in my eyes "I don't know" Chaz whispered looking down , it seriously hurt me that he just left without a word like this. If he wanted me to stay , he should've said so. But, then again he can't tell me to stay and turn down such an amazing opportunity. I mean if he had to go to another country for his career , I wouldn't have stood in his way and supported him.

My limo was already waiting for me outside , I told Jess that I didn't need a limo since I have my friends and they could've dropped me at the airport but, she insisted. The driver took my suitcases and Connor helped him carrying them as the driver was an old man and Connor really had a heart of gold. We all hopped in the limo and the driver started heading to the airport.

We arrived at the airport , Alex and Gavin took my suitcases and we all headed to the airport entrance. I checked in my suitcases and we then proceeded through to departures , We proceeded to my gate and that's when we had to say goodbye. I hate goodbyes but, I know that I'll see them soon. I hugged them all and said goodbye and then glanced around expecting Justin to show up.

Ryan noticed that and gave my shoulder a comforting squeeze and a sad smile. A tear made its way down my cheek , I gave up hope , he's not coming. I turned around heading towards the gate that led to my plane and wiped my tear away.

"Kylie" I heard him shout , I thought he wouldn't come. I turned around and he was running towards me , he rested his hands on his knees when he approached me , trying to catch his breath from what I guess alot of running. He lifted his head up to look at me and suddenly cupped my cheeks and kissed me the most passionate ,loving kiss ever.

I kissed him back with tears streaming down my face , god I was so scared of losing him. I can never live without him and I'm scared of losing him.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I was just so afraid of losing you" he said while crying slightly "You'll never lose me , Justin" I said and wiped his tears away "It's just gonna be so hard not having you close to me for a whole two months" he admitted his fear "That doesn't mean that distance will be able to break us" I said and lifted his head to look at me "Our love is so much stronger than any distance, Justin" I said and just he kissed me again , I don't know how I'll survive being away from him. I'm not sure I can make it for a couple of minutes away from him.

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