|Chapter 8: A Special Kind of Bond|

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After that poisoning day, your stomach was still in pain.

I don't understand.... I was following the instructions right... What did I do that had cause such a turn of events? To think I'd poison myself. I could've been dead...!

You clinged on to your bag as you entered. You noticed a swarm of girls surrounding Maruki and asking him questions.

Ehh, why should that matter to me. He's his own person, he is "Mr. Popular what am ever."

You noticed Maruki look over at you, he looked like he was trying to dismiss the girls and talk to you instead but the girls stood in his way. You then hurried to class and went by your time.


You wanted to eat lunch with Akira and the others but they hung out around the roof top, a palace you didn't want to find yourself in. You hung out in the courtyard by the vending machine corner sitting down and eating your lunch.

"Mind if I accompany you?" A faint voice asked.

You looked over and saw Maruki with a bento box and a box of apple juice. You nodded in agreement as he sat besides you, having that friendly smile on his face.

"So... Um, about yesterday... Mind if you explain to me?" Maruki asked.

"Yesterday? We weren't together yesterday." You said, playing dumb with him.

"I know I know, it's just... Your mom called me and mentioned how you got poisoned by attempting to make tea. By any chance were you trying to follow the way I make the tea in my office?" Maruki asked you.

"I...! Um...!" You looked down in embarrassment.

"Isn't that nice. You want to learn? Why didn't you just say so? I would be happy to show you how I make my tea." Maruki said cheerfully.

"...It wouldn't be a bother to you?" You asked.

"What? A bother? Of course not! I love teaching people new things! The more experience they have, the better they get at it. Wanting to learn slowly is a great way to start." Maruki waved his finger.

You looked over at his bento, seeing he hadn't touched the box yet. The box was sealed shut.

"Aren't you going to eat your food?" You asked.

"Huh? Interested by my food are we? I'll have to admit I did cook this myself." Maruki smiled.

It was then that question popped up in your head. A question you wanted to ask Maruki. You were curious as to ask about his love life, he's never mentioned anything about it before but since he's a great cook and a nice guy it's only natural for him to have a wife.

"Doctor Maruki, do you have a wife?" You asked without any second thoughts or hesitation. But as soon as you asked this question you felt regret in you as you probably knew he'd take this the wrong idea.

Maruki stared over at you with a straight face and said

"No, I've been unmarried for years now. Not that I don't wish to be married but rather love is complicated, you know? You feel like sometimes you need to find the right person, the one who will listen out to you and give you their everything. Not just that but someone with a lovely smile and you wanting to protect them. A healthy relationship without fighting would sound great." Maruki slightly smiled.

Something was wrong with this smile this time, he usually smiled although this once looks troubled. Like if he were hiding a secret he wanted to admit to but can't get himself to.

"I believe one day you'll find someone special Doctor, whether it's today or tomorrow or even soon... You'll find someone." You tried to make him feel better about himself.

"It's better to think about the positive, I may not be able to find someone in life but as long as everyone around me is happy... That's all that matters to me." Maruki nodded.

You felt like it was a bad idea to ask Maruki about this, you may have triggered some deepest secret out of him.

"I'm sorry." You said out of nowhere again without thinking.

"Sorry...? Sorry for what?" Maruki asked.

"I don't know I just feel like I shouldn't have brought something so sensitive upon you. I should've known better...." You muttered.

"Ah! No, don't blame yourself at all. After all, I like sharing my personal life with you." Maruki said.

You looked at Maruki with a specific look on your face.

"Not to get the wrong idea or anything but... What I meant is that whenever we talk. I feel a special bond between us. I don't know what exactly is it yet but I know that I can trust you." Maruki gave you a thumbs up.

"I feel the same way... I feel like talking to you puts me at ease. As if I feel comfortable to share my thoughts with you or even a secret. I feel that special connection in us." You nodded.

You looked over at Maruki's face, it seemed his face was a bit pink. But why?

"Ahem, pardon me. This was nice while it lasted but do take care of yourself Y/N. I'll be sure to show you the proper way of making the tea next time when I meet you in my office. Goodbye." Maruki left.

That was a long talk yet he didn't even bother touching his food.... Instead he took his time to talk to me... I wonder if he's going to eat it.

Once lunch had ended you went by your day and eventually left home. You hadn't really seen Akira ever since that poison incident but at least he's not filing a lawsuit over it.

You returned home to see a small box with the letters "For Y/N." It didn't specifically say what was in there it just said it was for you but didn't even say who it was from. You took the package in and opened it inside the kitchen. You saw packs of little tea bags.

There was also a letter inside, you were quick to open it.

"Dear Y/N,
Or whoever gets to read this letter. I do apologize for that and I wish I had taught you how to make the proper tea better but first I'd like to send over these lovely tea bags I had. When I show you how maybe you'll learn and enjoy these. These have a very nice fragrance. Oh and um...! I hope the meditating is going well." -Takuto Maruki.

You couldn't help but laugh, why would he send you a letter instead of texting you. He has your number after all.

The Change He Wanted- Takuto Maruki x reader (Persona 5)Where stories live. Discover now