|Chapter 58: Taken back|

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Ever since that day you locked yourself inside of your room, you wouldn't leave your own room. Not even for some freedom or fresh air. You stayed in doors just to not get a look at Maruki. You were pretty angry at him for not realizing what he was doing was wrong.

"Ughhh stupid Takuto...! Why can't he just understand that the world is an unjust place and he needs to accept it. Not everything is about happiness....!" You frowned.

You were angry, not just angry but furious. You even felt like punching someone or something at the moment.

"He just pisses me off...! We were having a good time when he suddenly..." You paused.

"I can give you whatever you desire...."

"If I asked if I wanted him to stop this madness would he? He said he'd grant my desire but... No, I doubt he would do it..." You angrily answered your own question.

You thought of all the good times you had with Maruki outside of this palace, went through struggles with your feelings for him and eventually he had fallen for you as well. It was a miracle he was able to fall for someone like you. Then when you two proceeded to date you both had fun going places and talking, surprising how he went from your therapist and teacher to your very own boyfriend.

"Takuto..." You muttered.

You could remember all the fights and arguments you got into but that was normal, there will be arguments in a relationship sometimes. All those times being together... Now it just felt like you were being held hostage and developed stockholm syndrome(don't actually do that lol).

"If only we can return to those old days... Where we didn't have to stay in this palace. We could still make it happen and live out our future. I can forgive what you did and eventually we can be together, but in our world..." You slightly smiled.

You opened the door to your room and saw food waiting down on your door step. There was a letter attached to it too. You picked up the food and took it back inside your room. You sat down and opened the letter, reading it.

"Dear (y/n), I'm so sorry I couldn't have dinner with you like we always do. I'm very sorry for everything, I'm currently busy at the moment so I made you food earlier and had it delivered to your door. I hope you enjoy it, please don't be mad at me for this. Remember to eat your food and stay safe. Whatever you do please do not go out exploring, it's unsafe." -Maruki

"WHAT DOES HE THINK I AM SOME CHILD?!?" You crumpled up the paper in anger and threw it in a trash can.

You put the plate of food aside, not wanting to eat what he had made you. You opened the door to your room and sighed.

"He doesn't have to have me wait in a room like this..." You muttered.

You wandered around wondering why he didn't want you to be around at the moment until you noticed Joker and Akechi

You went inside that room but the last thing you could remember was a flashing light and then.. Passing out.

~~Dream pov~~

You fell into a deep sleep, looking around until you noticed where you were. It was another one of those dreams you had where Maruki was your prince charming or well a younger version of him. Like probably around your age except it wasn't thought felt like it.

You heard the sounds of two boys picking on another.

"Who in the right mind...."

You looked around and saw that the two boys were taller than the one boy they were picking on. You stood up and ran towards the boys.

"Hey! Stop picking on this poor kid! Don't you two feel any remorse at all!" You yelled.

The two boys ran away calling you and the boy a loser.

"Are you alright?? They didn't hurt you did they?" You asked the little boy.

It was then that you recognized who this little boy was, it was a little kid version of Maruki.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine... They didn't really do much." Maruki smiled.

"Takuto! You're injured!" You said.

"Huh, how do you know my name?" The boy asked.

"Umm...! Never mind that you're injured! Here let me.." You checked around for any first aid kits around you but there was none.

You ripped a part of your shirt and wrapped it around his wounds.

"There, all better now." You smiled.

"Thank you..." Maruki smiled.

You hugged this younger version of Maruki.

"You're just adorable..." You laughed.

"Ms, I won't be safe. Those boys will guarantee come back to bully me again." Maruki looked down.

You gave him a head pat and said

"Don't worry, because when they come back to hurt you... I'll be sure to protect you, think of me as your hero. The one who will save you from all the pain you have." You smiled.

"But... Why would you do that for me..?" Maruki asked.

"Because I love you." Your smile beamed with joy.

How are you supposed to be the hero I want when you oppose all of my great decisions??


You say you'll be the hero for me but yet you don't let me do the things I want to do. Can't you see the world deserves better than this? There's always pain and sadness everywhere, with my powers I can fix it.

"No... That's wrong...!" You yelled.

There was a silhouette of Maruki standing a distance away from you.

"Takuto...! Stop this!" You yelled.

He didn't turn back to you, rather walked into the shadows.

"Let me be happy with the things I do." Maruki said.

"I can't let you do this!" You yelled.

Once Maruki paused on his walking he turned around and looked at you.

"I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear your voice anymore... Why don't you just... Leave... Get out of my life already." Maruki looked at you with a sad look.

"No! I can't...! Please...! Stop!" You yelled.

You awoke from your nap, gasping for air.

The Change He Wanted- Takuto Maruki x reader (Persona 5)Where stories live. Discover now