Chapter 54: The Dream

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After that day of dancing and the fact that Maruki didn't say a word to you after leaving the room you felt a bit lonely. He didn't call you back after that, pretty much leaving you in silence.

Was it something I did...? Did I do something bad to him...?

Thoughts filled your head, negative ones that you didn't want to think of again. It was then that you decided to walk out of your room and walk somewhere else. You wandered around noticing shadows proceeding to do their hard work as usual. Still feels strange not being attacked by them.

Y/N, can you hear me...?

"Yeah, I can... Whats up??" You answered.

I want you to explore around and look for a room that has a garden, once you go there look around the room and write down what you see in that map.

"But I'm not allowed to go there..." You looked down.

The voice didn't answer back, stayed quiet again.

You took out the map from your back pocket and tried to look for this so called garden from it. You looked around since there was no shadow or even Maruki looking after you.

You stumbled upon a door that surprised you, it looked different. You opened it to reveal a huge garden that the voice had told you. It was beautiful and looked well. There was even statues in there one in which was... Rumi??

You took a closer look at the Rumi statue but noticed another one nearby, it looked identical. Almost like... You??

You stared at the statue that looked like you.

"Is this.. Me...?" You felt the statue with your hands.

You looked around and noticed the garden, there was a lot of vines to climb upon and flowers everywhere. The room was too green.

"Amazing...." You muttered.

You threw yourself on the ground, the room smelled lovely. It almost smelled like Maruki's house. You raised your hand up in the air feeling at ease.

"How lovely would it be to be in place like this..." You smiled.

You felt your eyelids suddenly get heavy, wanting to close your eyes and fall asleep in a place like this. You felt comfortable around this place and slowly closed your eyes.

~~Dream pov~~

You looked around and noticed you were in a palace, but not Maruki's rather like a castle. You know with the prince's and princess's.

"I see you're awake now." A voice said.

You looked around and noticed reaching towards you was a hand, the hand of Maruki. He looked a lot younger in this dream, like about your age. He smiled at you. You could tell this was a younger version of him because he didn't even have any facial hair on his face.

Your face turned red seeing him there.

"Y-Yeah...." You nodded.

"Do you need help getting up? I'd be happy to help." Maruki asked.

"N-No...! I'm fine I can get up on my own...!" You stood up but felt weak in your knees. You collapsed but Maruki was quick to catch you in his arm.

"You're not okay, let me help you." Maruki said.

Maruki placed his arms around you, lifting you up from the air and carrying you bridal style.

Your face turned red as a tomato from this.

"Y-You can let go of me...! I'm sure I can walk on my own...!" You stuttered.

Maruki softly chuckled.

He carried you around the castle, finally putting you on a comfortable couch.

"Was that really necessary...?!" You frowned.

"You must be an angel." Maruki said.

"Huh? Why?" You questioned.

"You appeared out of nowhere, i was on my duties as a prince when I saw you on the ground just lying down. I've never seen you before, where do you come from?" Maruki asked.

"Well um I...." You thought to yourself.

Do I not look familiar to him? I mean I do seem to be meeting a younger version of him or so... Maybe this is just a fantasy?? This is a dream, I could make up an excuse.

"I have to go." You said.

"What? How come? We haven't even had tea yet...!" Maruki looked disappointed.

"I'm sorry, I just have to... I have to get back to my angel duties!" You lied and ran off.

~~Awake pov~~

Before you knew it you had woken up, you felt that you were in someone's arms.

"Good morning sleepy head." That familiar soft voice said.

You looked to see Maruki sitting there with a smile on his face, you were laying down on him. No wonder why you felt so comfortable.

"A-Ah... I can explain...!" You answered.

"Explain what? There's no need to explain." Maruki smiled.

You thought about what happened yesterday, about the whole thing why he left the room.

"Listen Takuto, I'm sorry..." You looked down.

"Sorry? Sorry for what?" Maruki asked.

"Well for what happened yesterday, whatever triggered you or so I wish to apologize for it." You nodded.

Maruki softly chuckled.

"It's not your fault, nothing is your fault. I was just spacing out a little to myself is all. I'm feeling a lot better now but thanks for caring for me (y/n)." Maruki smiled.

He picked you up from the ground, bridal style just like the dream. He had a huge smile on his face and laughed.

"Were you seeing into my dreams...?!" You asked.

"Dreams? Were you having a dream about someone else??" Maruki stared at you with a dark expression on his face. He looked jealous.

I don't think I've ever seen him like this before, doesn't seem like the type to get very jealous over something like this.

You smirked.

"Well, I dreamt about a prince who was very attractive." You laughed.

Maruki looked at you.

"And do I have to have a discussion with this prince??" Maruki questioned.

"No no! I was just teasing you is all...!" You laughed.

"Good, I was starting to feel like I should talk to this prince. Guess I don't have to." Maruki smiled.

The Change He Wanted- Takuto Maruki x reader (Persona 5)Where stories live. Discover now