|Chapter 20: Seeing someone else in you|

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Today was the day you are supposed to meet up with Maruki. Since the girls had left the sleep over early you decided to get changed and smell extra nice. You wore something that made you look a bit better than how you usually dress and headed out to Inokashira park. You sat down on a bench and waited for Maruki's

You saw a bunch of couples around riding on boats as they shared their feelings as to how much they loved each other. There was even a new couple that had started a relationship now.

"How lovely... I would like to have that experience one day..." You slightly smiled.

"Is that so?" Maruki's voice said.

You didn't jump or feel frightened by him since you were already used to him appearing at random moments and scaring you whenever you were vulnerable.

"Hello Doctor Maruki, so what are we doing today?" You asked.

"I was hoping that I'd at least get a scared reaction out of you but that didn't work... Maybe I should try harder next time." Maruki looked down.

"You did scare me a little bit, I'll admit." You lied to make him fee better.

"Hooray! Good job for me then!" Maruki clapped with that smile on his face.

"So any plans today?" You asked once again.

"I was thinking about taking a stroll around just for today. Like you know, a small walk around Inokashira. You guys are on your summer break already huh? Why not enjoy this hot sunny day?" Maruki nodded.

"I hate this sun... Did you invite me just to torture me...?" You sighed.

"What...?! I could never...! All I wanted was to have a nice walk and talk but I don't want you to burn up by the heat ms. vampire...! If you don't want we can just go back to my place or maybe eat by a rest-"

"No, as long as you're willing to spend time here with me I'm good." You nodded.

Maruki smiled.

"Is that so? Well then, let's have a walk around here shall we?" Maruki insisted.

The two of you walked around Inokashira park. You ran into an ice cream parlor in which you wanted some.

"Do you want some ice cream? I can buy some if you'd like." Maruki asked.

"No no! How about I buy you some?" You asked.

The two of you stared at each other and laughed. You ended up paying for his ice cream instead.

"Thank you so much Y/N, I'll repay you, here's ¥15 yen." Maruki smiled.

"No, you don't have to. I have my own yen." You nodded in disagreement.

"Come on, I'm trying to pay you back here." Maruki said.

You stepped away from him each time he kept trying to hand over the yen to you. Whenever he kept stepping closer to hand over the yen you felt yourself step away until..

"Y/N...! Watch out...!" Maruki yelled.

You felt yourself slip and fall, you closed your eyes and waited to get yourself injured but felt yourself land safely. You opened your eyes again to see yourself in Maruki's arms, he caught you from almost falling into a lake.

Ah...! Um..! This is too much for me...!!

Your face had turned red from being held like this close to Maruki. You had never been that close to him but being too close to him made you feel nervous.

"Are you alright Y/N?" Maruki asked.

You felt your heart race like a race car driving by quickly.

"Y-Yeah..." You couldn't even speak with this being too much on you.

"You can hold on to me if you'd lik-"

You put your arms around Maruki. You could feel your face heat up from all this going on.

~~Maruki's pov~~

Why is my heart racing...? All of a sudden I saved Y/N from falling into a lake and now my heart is racing just having her close to me.

I looked down at Y/N and noticed her face was red, like completely red. Red as a strawberry in front of me.

"Are you okay Y/N...?" I asked.

"Ach ehh..." Y/N muttered.

"Oh boy... I hope nothing bad happened to you... Please speak to me Y/N...!" I shook her back and forth gently to snap her out of it.

~~Y/N's pov~~

You finally came to your conscious seeing yourself in front of Maruki.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to suddenly space out like that.." You nervously laughed.

Maruki embraced you in his arms so suddenly.

"You worried me...! I thought I was about to lose you...! I don't want to lose anyone important to me ever again...!" Maruki looked upset.

Again...? He mentioned again...? Has he lost someone important to him? I want to question it but....

"No, I'm okay haha- I didn't mean to space out like that so suddenly." You nervously laughed.

~~Maruki's pov~~

Did I just say again...? Oh no... I accidentally brought up someone else, what if she questions who it is...? I'll eventually have to tell her right...? I just can't do it now...

~~Y/N's pov~~

"Shall we head back doctor?" You asked.

Maruki began to laugh.

"Question Y/N, why did you start being formal with me? I told you before you're free to call me Maruki or even Takuto." Maruki laughed.

"I just don't think I should call you that... I mean you're just my psychologist... and I'm just your patient. It's not like we're friends or anything." You said.

"Friends...?! Of course we are friends! Why do you think I invite you out like this? A psychologist wouldn't invite you out somewhere or even buy you something? That means we're friends." Maruki brightly smiled.

Your heart began to race quickly.

"Y-Yeah..." You nodded.

Eventually the two of you parted ways. You felt a deep bond with Maruki today but... You still don't feel like you should call Maruki by his name or even "Maruki" at all.

A/N: oh yeah, please support DelicatePrimRose  Maruki x reader. They're doing a great job at it and it's a very amazing story. (Better than mine tbh-). They're an amazing writer.

The Change He Wanted- Takuto Maruki x reader (Persona 5)Where stories live. Discover now