|Chapter 24: In the Need of Comfort|

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Another day of hanging out with Maruki.... Should you dress good today? I mean I don't think he'd mind what you wear. After all what you wear is what you wear. He's not the type to judge you, he didn't judge you when your hair was a mess that one time he came over. You decided to dress nice but not too nice. Maybe someone that looks at least appealing.

You saw a message from Maruki

"How about we meet at Shibuya today?" Maruki asked.

Strange, he usually tells you to meet at Inokashira but today is different... You headed for Shibuya anyways. You saw Maruki wearing a blue collar shirt with a tie and this time his tag. He never brings it but he brought his tag today.

"Good to see you Y/N! I know this is a different change for once but I'd like to invite you to eat somewhere." Maruki smiled.

"What...! Don't waste money on me Doctor Maruki! It's not worth it!" You disagreed with him taking you to eat.

"Oh don't worry, I'm not wasting my money for no reason. I'm wasting it because you're special to me." Maruki smiled.

Your face turned a bit pink.

No Y/N... Don't fall for his charms again...!

You went with Maruki to a buffet, it was a huge one that was nice on the inside. Looked like a place celebrities would come to.

"I'll go look for a table, you can grab some food Y/N." Maruki insisted.

"Thank you so much Doctor...!" You smiled. You ran off to go get some food.

~~Maruki's pov~~

That's the happiest I've ever seen her, so it was a good idea inviting her here. She looked like a child who just entered in a paradise of toys wanting all of them. She looked cute that time... wait hold up... what?

I found a table and sat down by myself as I awaited for Y/N to return. I tapped the table with my finger waiting and waiting.

"She didn't get lost did she...? What if she did? I hope she didn't run into trouble..." I thought to myself as I got up. I saw Y/N from a distance looking for the table I was at.

"Y/N...! Hey! Over here!" I called out to her.

Y/N came with a tray of food that she had picked out. She came running towards me with a wide smile on her face.

~~Y/N's pov~~

"Doctor Maruki! Can you believe how much food is here! It's amazing! It's like this place knows exactly what you want!" You smiled.

"Is that so? Yet you were saying how you didn't want me to waste money on you. Look how happy you look just being here. Aren't you adorable?" Maruki placed his hand on your head softly and went to go get some food.

You didn't want to eat until Maruki came back in which he returned.

"How come you haven't dug in yet?" Maruki asked.

"I was waiting for you. It's more fun to eat food when you're with another person." You smiled.

Maruki looked surprised and then laughed.

"You never fail to make me smile Y/N." Maruki put his hand on his chin.

The two of you ate together and enjoyed the food. That was until Maruki began to talk.

"Hey Y/N, I have some thorn to say... Do you mind if I share this with you?" Maruki asked.

"Of course!" You were willing to listen to what Maruki was going to say.

"I apologize for hiding anything from you, if I don't share anything with you that's because I was too afraid to admit anything to you. I know you've been curious as to why but as of now I promise no secrets between us." Maruki reached his hand towards you.

"Pinky promise?" You asked.

"I swear it, cross my heart and hope to die." Maruki nodded.

The two of you made a pinky promise, you better be careful on what you keep to yourself. It could affect one of you in a way.

"Remember that time we were talking about romance and why I never gave a full explanation? Well to be fair I had struggled with a past relationship of mine before. I once had an ex girlfriend of mine in college by the name of Rumi. The two of us were happy and in love when all of a sudden her parents were killed in an incident. She fell deep into a dark depression and wouldn't look at me the same way anymore..." Maruki looked upset.

"I also fell into a deep depression and blamed myself for not being there for her. But one day it's suddenly like she forgot everything. She didn't remember me or what had happened so ever since then I had decided to stay away from her, I have to learn to let go of her. It makes me upset that I choose to be away from her but if she's happy I'll be too. I guess I don't have anyone to share my feelings with anymore." Maruki sighed.

"That's not right...!" You slammed the table with your hand.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Maruki asked.

"We're close aren't we?! You can share your feelings with me and I'll do the same thing with you...! I'd be willing to fill that empty void inside of you! Anything to see your happiness again!" You yelled.

Maruki looked at you surprised, he didn't say a thing but just stared.

"No no... this is...wrong... Really wrong.." Maruki muttered.

You were trying to confess here but it seems Maruki looked upset that you were trying to do so.

"Excuse me..." Maruki stood up and pulled out yen from his wallet. He then placed it on the table and walked away.

"Doctor Maruki...! Wait..!" You tried to stop him from leaving but he just left off.

You sighed and felt your heart ache.

"Gee thanks for making him uncomfortable Y/N..." You hated yourself after this day. Tomorrow you'd be heading to school and yet things would be awkward between you and Maruki now.

Damn it...! If only I hadn't said what I said...! I wish I had taken it all back...!

The Change He Wanted- Takuto Maruki x reader (Persona 5)Where stories live. Discover now