|Chapter 33: When the time is right.|

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"Good morning sleepyhead." A faint voice called out to you.

"H-Huh...? Who's there...?" You had your eyes closed  as you questioned who was around.

"Guess who." The voice said.

"Give me a break... I'm not trying to do any guessing games..." You yawned.

You felt arms sweep you off your bed.

You opened your eyes slowly to see yourself in Maruki's arms.

"T-Takuto...?! What are you doing...?!" You asked.

"I wanted to surprise wake you, the others left. It's okay." Maruki smiled.

Your face turned red, feeling flustered from all this.

Maruki gently placed you down back on the bed and sat aside from you.

"You didn't visit me at all yesterday, something wrong? You know you're always free to talk to me, of course I'd be willing to listen to your problems." Maruki said.

"Thanks but I was just merely tired yesterday..." You sighed.

"Not getting enough sleep, is there a problem?" Maruki looked worried about you.

"I'm not sure... I do feel like I've been having nightmares often.." You muttered.

"Nightmares? What kind of nightmares?" Maruki questioned.

"Just about exposure..." You looked down.

"Exposure? It could be possible maybe a thought is getting to you. Maybe you have something you want to tell someone so badly but refuse to tell them because you're afraid what they'll think." Maruki answered.

Holy shit...! This is actually accurate, does he think I'm hiding something from him...?! Does he know..?!

"I um...!" You mumbled.

"Let me guess, you're worried about hiding our little secret between your friends right?" Maruki asked.

You felt sweat pour down your forehead only to go away as soon as he made a wrong guess for what you were actually going to say.

That was a close one... If he found out I'd be a goner for sure.

"Yeah... That's it." You nodded.

"Do you think they're possibly trust worthy enough for you to tell them?" Maruki asked.

You put your hand on your chin.

"Well Akira knows..." You mentioned about Akira.

"Of course he knew, he was somewhat of a wingman for me. He came to the conclusion to help me out and knew what I was struggling with. I'll have to admit Akira is very understanding. He's willing to listen to you." Maruki nodded.

"You're also very understanding of someone." You told Maruki.

"R-Really...? Well I've had people tell me they can confide in me but I didn't think it'd be that much." Maruki stuttered.

You put your hand on his hand.

"I trust you Takuto, and I'm glad you trust me. We can both confide in each other." You smiled.

You saw a nervous look on Maruki's face.

"I feel like I hide things from you... When the time is right I wish to tell you want I want to tell you." Maruki said.

Something isn't right, hiding many things?

"Why can't you just tel me now?" You asked.

"I don't think so... This is a deepest one that not even I could tell Akira or the others. It'll have to be just us alone." Maruki looked down.

You felt a little bit of anger in you since there was another thing he was hiding but then you could understand why he wouldn't want to say a thing. Maybe it's a deeper darker secret then he's ever shared.

You felt Maruki place his hand on your face.

"But this doesn't mean I don't love you because I do!" Maruki said.

Your face turned pink out of feeling flustered over.

"Why are you so sweet?" You fangirled over Maruki.

"Why wouldn't I be sweet for the one I love?" Maruki smiled.

You saw that he received a message on his phone. He was quick to look at it and stood up.

"Oh, sorry Y/N. Looks like they need me right now." Maruki looked disappointed.

You clinged on to his back, both your arms wrapped around him.

"Takutoooooo don't leaveeeee." You clinged on to his back.

"Y/N, I have to go to work. I can't stay." Maruki said.

"But I don't want you to leaveeeee, we barely got time for each other todayyyy." You complained.

Maruki grabbed ahold of you and placed you down on the couch.

"I promise I'll be back for you soon, please be patient for now. And when I come back... I'll bring some of my cooking!" Maruki laughed.

He left the room leaving you in silence and loneliness.

"Now... About that secret of his.... I want to find out but... It would be terrible if I tried to eavesdrop on him or so...." You played your hand on your chin.

You grabbed a notebook out of your bag and began to scribble stuff, you took the time to write more and more about Maruki's possible secrets.

"Engagement? Encounter with his past lover....? Hmmm..." You continued to research around but something came to your mind.

"Shibusawa....! Aha! He could tell me more..." You were quick to text Maruki's old friend Shibusawa.

"If I want to find out his secret, I have to dig up more of the past. The one who knows more about his past is none other than Shibusawa himself." You wrote down.

Shibusawa wasn't quick to respond but it wasn't until you received a message.

"Shibusa-!" You paused.

It was a message from Goro Akechi.

I forgot I gave him my number....

You didn't really want to respond but looked through the messages "Hello Y/N, hope you're having fun at that Hawaii trip. Must be nice to take a break for a while and relax. I was wondering, do you have the time to call me? I have things to discuss about." Akechi added.

What does he want? Is he going to tell me something weird?

You called Akechi right about three times already, although none of it he wouldn't respond.

"Alright then, time to leave a voicemail..." You muttered.

You sent a voicemail in case he would try to call you back. You threw yourself back on your bed and slept.

The Change He Wanted- Takuto Maruki x reader (Persona 5)Where stories live. Discover now