Chapter 1

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It is the fourth day of my suspension and like my third day with my braces on .

My braces are slackening up a bit so I can chew food now but dad has been making those smoothies for me and he keeps on putting vegetables in the smoothie.

" Mommy your husband keeps making me those nasty smoothies my braces have slacken up a bit " I said .

" Caì I can't do nothing about that you know how your daddy goes but I have to go drop your brothers off at school and you have a good day with your daddy " said mom.

Ugh another day with dad like I wish I was in school but tomorrow I'm with mom because Alyssa and I have a dance to do.

And also  I have a solo dance where I'm dancing by myself I'm so nervous for that .

" Caì come here your breakfast is waiting for you to eat and it getting cold " said dad.

" Coming now daddy " I said as I walked out my room and went downstairs to the island and sat down.

" Here eat up now that you can eat again before you go back to get it tighten again" said dad as he placed real breakfast in front of me.

" Finally oh I see bacon and eggs thank you daddy " I said as I began eating yall I'm not gonna lie I love it when my daddy cooks and i love to eat but the food dont go no where cause I'm so slim.

I'm constantly eating all the time and sense I couldn't eat what I wanted to eat I was a bit angry.

" Caì slow down child before you choke " said dad so i did what he said and slowly eat my food then I drink my apple juice.

I went in the kitchen and washed my plate and cup then I went in my room to look for my mime dance uniform since my mom wants me to mime on Sunday.

I found the uniform but I still have to wear a leotard under it and tights under the pants.

I went downstairs and dad so happened to be in the tv room he always in there if he isn't away doing tours or at the restaurant he is at home or even coaching me and my siblings.

" I just had to find you in here you make it easy for me to find you daddy like you be in here all the time when I'm looking for you" I said.

" Oh really Keithra come here sit next to your handsome father " said dad so I sat next to him putting my head on his shoulders eventually falling asleep.

Later that afternoon

I woke up in my bed trying to figure out how did I get in my room I was in the tv room with daddy.

Oh wait I did fall asleep after I put my head on his shoulders  and he carried me in my room as usual when I fall asleep.

I got out of bed and went downstairs dad was in the kitchen cooking so I sat down at the island.

" Good your up here drink this smoothie up baby girl " said dad ugh smoothie again.

Surprisingly it's good so I drank it all in two sips so refreshing wait I hope he didn't put any broccoli and kale in it.

" Is broccoli and kale in this smoothie daddy are you doing me in again like the last time " I said

" No I used carrots this time and spinach instead of using broccoli and kale you have a healthy smoothie Caì" said dad.

" Daddy seriously carrots and spinach eww yuck gross I dont know why i keep falling for drinking these smoothies you keep making" I said.

" Because I use fruits to make it sweeter and it's good for you and besides athletes like yourself should drink the smoothies" said dad.

" Anyhow how I fell asleep again just by my head being on your shoulders daddy like I woke up in bed " I said.

" I dont know but did you do all your homework assignments and class assignments that your brother brought from school " said dad.

" I did them the minute he brought them home for me he carried them in today when mom dropped him off" I said .

" Good now I know he is going to bring some more homework for you and set the table in the dining room for me dinner is almost done your mom and brothers should be here soon" said dad.

" Yes sir and yeah which will be done right away after dinner dad" I said I grabbed the forks and and knives and the napkins and I set the table.

" Sweetheart you set the table this is neat the boys are washing there hands i already did and your dad is bringing the food in here " said mom.

" Thanks mom I'm going to get cleaned up  and i will be down here soon " i said as i got cleaned up then i went downstairs to the dining room.

I sat down and my dad brought the food he cooked and set them down my brothers were seated already so my dad sat down after the food was placed on the table.

So mom handed me the bowl of mashed potatoes so I placed some on my plate and handed the bowl to MJ.

My mom handed me the plate with the chicken and I took one chicken and then she placed some beef on my plait.

Yall my dad cut my chicken and beef up into pieces like I was two years old I was so mad I just ate and nor say anything then I washed the dishes and everything and went up to my room.


Quick update

Chapter 2 will be up  soon

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This chapter is dedicated to ArielleBryant3 she has supported this book and km glad she reads it thanks sis for reading

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