Chapter 3

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Before I update if your a reader and your new to this book please read the other book with the same name different looking book cover because you will be confused.



Today unfortunately I'm going to be with my dad and I have to go with him to a meeting.

So I got out of bed it was probably like eight in the morning and my mom probably dropped my brothers to school already.

So it was just me and my dad home for now he was probably downstairs dressed already.

So I just got out the shower so I dried my body off then I went in my room and slipped on my underwear then I went to look for an outfit.

So I just got out the shower so I dried my body off then I went in my room and slipped on my underwear then I went to look for an outfit

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Her outfit minus the phone and purse and all those other stuff just the pants top and shoes.

So I went downstairs and dad was in the kitchen weird he has been cooking more anyhow I can't complain.

" Good morning daddy " I said as I sat down at the island.

" Good morning baby girl eat up cause later your getting a smoothie " said dad.

Ugh what is with him in these smoothies its getting on my nerves lately.

" Dad what is with you and these smoothies you know I don't like them why make it " I said.

" Its good for you besides you need it so get used to it baby girl " said dad.

" Ok daddy anyhow I'm done I'm going wash my dish and then we can go " I said as I went and washed my plate and cup.

" Ok daddy anyhow I'm done I'm going wash my dish and then we can go " I said as I went and washed my plate and cup

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Her dad's Mercedes Benz

So after I was done with breakfast I followed dad out the house and in his Mercedes Benz.

He pulled out the driveway and towards wherever his meeting was so I just sat down in the car as he drove to his meeting location.

We arrived so he parked his car in an empty parking spot so he turned off the car and got his folder case and got out unfollowed behind him.

We walked in a three feet high building which was an office well a business so I followed dad.

" Good morning sir how may I help you " said the receptionist.

" Good morning I'm Micah Stampley and I'm here for a meeting " said dad.

" Ok Mr. Stampley right this way sir" said the receptionist so we followed behind her and she led us to a conference room.

So dad had me sit down as he waited for the meeting to get started.

" Hey Micah it's good to see you and is this your second baby girl she looks just like you" said one man whom I guessing is a banker I dont know.

" Hey Ryan it's good to see you and yeah this my baby girl Micaì she had to come with me sense she is suspended from school " said dad.

" Ok the last time I saw her she was a small little girl so we want to invest some drinks in your business " said Ryan.

" Ok that's great and I'm sure the customers will love it and it's great to do those investments because it saves you time and money " said dad.

" It does and I'm glad I was able to meet with you I'm not going hold you up and also your business is amazing keep up the great work man I went their two days ago and the food and service was wonderful " said Ryan.

" Great and I will be happy to take you up on that offer see you soon " said dad as he got up and I followed behind him.

I got in the passenger side and got in as he got in on the driver's side he pulled out and I noticed we weren't going home.

" Daddy can we go shopping I need some new tops for school " I said.

" Nope cause your still on punishment remember " said dad.

" That is so not fair ugh it's not fair" I mumbled.

" Micaì do not make me slap you in your mouth I'm not your mother young lady watch it " said dad

" I want my mommy " I said it's not fair to me I get punished more then being rewarded.

" You can walk to her now sit back and close your mouth " said dad.

We arrived at Applebees dad parks the car and we get out and went inside we were seated handed menus.

" Why your faced made up like that fixed it now please " said dad.

" No reason " I said as I looked at my menu  to see what I wanted.

" Are you mad at me because I told you couldn't go shopping you need to know that you dont always get that privilege you have to do with the clothes you have " said dad.

" But daddy some of my school shirts cannot fit me it got a bit too small in the arms" I said.

" Well where the shirts that can fit end of discussion " said dad.

Ugh why couldn't be with my mommy today ugh this is making me mad.

" Good day I'll be your waitress for today what can I get you guys" said the waitress.

" Can you get me buffalo wings with fries and I will take a water that's it " I said with a bit of attitude my dad noticed what I was doing so he gave me that look to tell me that he will deal with me when we get home.

So he ordered the same thing he had the last time we were here .

The waitress came back with our food and drinks dad thanked her and we ate silently then he paid and we were on our way home.

We arrived home and I went up to my room before dad could say anything to me.

Shortly he came in my room and he whopped my behind for my behavior at the restaurant.


Quick update

Chapter 4 will be up soon

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